Remaking God: Part II – Entitlement
Remaking God: Part I – Comfort, Weaponizing, & a Peaceless Savior
Breaking Patterns
Seer Diaries: The Thinning of the Veil
Seer Diaries: Doing the Work of Life’s Purpose
Lessons in Holding Firm Boundaries While Keeping a Vulnerable, Open Heart
Seer Diaries: A New Normal & Going It Alone
UAPs & incorporating ETs into your understanding of God
The Fallacy of ‘Dragged Kicking and Screaming into Doing What is Right and Good’
Seer Diaries: Sensing the Shift
Seer Diaries: How Do I Explain This So You’ll Believe Me
Seer Diaries: The State of the World—Fork in the Road
Seer Diaries: Seeing Spirits (Childhood & Daytime)
Suddenly Unlocked Psychic Gifts & Becoming a Seer (Ready or Not!): A Personal Note
Living with an Open Third Eye
Third Eye Activation & Opening
Whenever Certain or in Doubt, Witness
What’s Goin’ On: Spiritual Growth in a Time of Chaos
Embrace Change
Overwhelmed? Shift Tracks & Practice Gratitude