Seer Diaries: Doing the Work of Life’s Purpose

I haven’t posted here in a few months. That’s because I’ve consciously turned my focus to doing the work I came into this incarnation to do. It’s past time to clear away distractions! As my Sight has unfolded, I’ve been shown my purpose is not to worry about speaking publicly about my experiences. I know I can’t change anyone’s mind or path even if I want to. Our choices belong only to ourselves. So rather than explaining, I’ve been working on understanding and surrendering. I know my purpose is to do energy work in partnership with the beings I meet with every single night. I’ve been doing this for about a year and a half now, I think.

What’s New in My Life as a Seer

Recently, I’ve had every single one of my questions answered. I know now who I am, where I come from, why I’m here, and what I need to do. I even know where I’ll be going when this life is over, because I’ve seen that place now many times. Honestly, the specifics don’t even matter in that you don’t need to know what my answers are. You just need to know it’s absolutely possible to find every single one of your answers as well. They’re found in doing the hard work of self-growth. You need to surrender to the process already unfolding in your own life. Say Yes to relearning everything you thought you knew.

The work I’m doing with beings on other levels of existence utilizes every single bit of my energy and focus. It’s spiritually grueling, sometimes physically painful, all-encompassing, and totally exhausting. It’s also miraculous, wondrous, beautiful, magical, invigorating, and absolutely worth it. That energetic work is much more taxing than my daily life of raising two kids, living in mid-pandemic America, and working as a designer every day. Working from home in relative isolation has been a weird reprieve. It’s forced my attention to my own world. There’s no need to engage in the chaos constantly churning outside. It’s been a real blessing. The isolation has been freeing, since I’m surrounded with so many beings at night. Each of whom I work intimately with in ways I don’t pretend to understand at all. My boring days give me breathing space in order to tackle the challenging work that comes at night.

What Comes Next

I have received specific messages about what is coming. For example, I know my children will have a spiritual awakening. For one of them, it has already begun. They’re experiencing some of the same ascension symptoms I wrote about in this blog, long ago. They see auras, and spirit lights in greater and greater numbers.

My husband, the skeptic, has even begun experiencing things that are unexplainable. They match up perfectly with my own experiences. For him, and for the kids, this is happening not because of anything I have done. They have each made the choice to do the work required of them in order to move forward. I’m proud of them, and I’m always here to lend support and insight, if needed.

I’ve also been told of specific dates coming up in the very near future. The first is February 21st, 2022. I don’t know what is going to happen on these days — whether they’re of significance for me alone, or for the world at large. I’m excited to find out!

For all of the rest of you, my lovely readers, I can tell you that we are in a time of trials. We are being tested in very real ways. How we each do in these tests will result in direct consequences for what we experience next. The change will be momentous! There are basically only two ways to go – two paths. One leads back to intense negativity, suffering, and old ways of doing things. The other leads upward, to a better, kinder, more loving world. In it, we each will have what we need to flourish and find our purposes. We are not meant to spend our days working long hours at tedious jobs for the sole purpose of buying more and more material things, until our bodies give out and we slowly die. We aren’t meant to slave away for the profit of the few corrupt currently in power. Our power is our own. It’s time we take it back.

Choose Love and Growth

If that’s what you want, you don’t need to DO anything. Just choose within yourself to surrender to your lessons and your path. Have faith in wherever it’s bringing you for your highest good. Invite the light and love of Source into your heart. This is a free will planet. In order for help to be sent your way from the higher realms, you need to ask for it. Sadly, it seems to be very easy for human beings to choose pessimism, hatred, and despair, but much more challenging to choose love, growth, and change.

No matter what happens in the outer world in the months and years to come, if you work to grow and enrich your own soul, and climb to the higher path, your life will improve. You will progress to a life where you can become the highest, most glorious version of yourself. When we pledge our service to the highest good of all Creation, Creation works on our behalf, in gratitude. We are all intrinsically connected. We are all One. Together, we can make the impossible possible.

Love and blessings, friends.