Living with an Open Third Eye

It’s been about two months since my third eye opened. I’m not an expert at any of this, and can only talk about what I’ve experienced, which does not necessarily reflect on what anyone else would experience in this situation. We’re all unique in our expression and perspectives.

That being said, I’ve found so little information about living with an opened  third eye, that I’m moved to put this out there lest it help someone else in a similar situation.

When my third eye opened, it opened for good. Permanently. From what I’ve learned, the only way to close your third eye once it opens is to diligently and completely strip all spiritual practices and any deep thoughts from your life. Otherwise, this is your new normal.

I’m profoundly grateful for all of my experiences, good, bad, and transcendent. I learn something new every day. Every single glimpse through my third eye is filled with awe and brings mind-blowing experiences that challenge me to grow, adapt, and rise.

I have no idea why this happened to me, or why I’m being entrusted with these encounters and processes of transformation. All I can do is surrender with overwhelming gratitude and do my best with what I’m given. It’s painful. It’s stressful. It’s isolating and impossible to talk about with anyone who isn’t also directly experiencing it (and I don’t know anyone who is!). It’s a huge amount of responsibility and changes every single aspect of life and our experience of it. It’s an unmaking and remaking. I have a tattoo of a phoenix but I literally feel like one now as everything I am burns to ash so something new can be reborn.

As you can imagine, third eye experiences are driven by the sense of sight. (Note: I do have some clairaudience, so I do hear aspects of these experiences too, but not as clearly as I see them. Think more in the vein of the unstruck sound). I see things now, day and night, every single day, that you literally would not believe if I told you. Both their consistency and variety is breathtaking. There is no telling what (or who) each moment will bring. At the same time, by approaching my visions with care, reverence, and specific requests for protection and guidance from my spirit guides, I have discovered a benevolence and loving respect in these encounters that I’ve never seen the like of in human encounters.

As someone who has never really felt seen, these make me feel completely seen.

As someone who has never experienced basic respect from the woman who gave birth to me, I now feel totally and utterly respected.

As someone who has always searched for a way to contribute to and help a world filled with those capable of breathtaking cruelty, I feel I’ve been set firmly upon my path.

Honestly, what I experience through my third eye is all so deeply weird but just as reliable in its content, quality, and character as my daily life is as I get up each morning to go to work and spend time with my family doing our mundane chores. I know what the routine is. I know what timing and situations will facilitate the full opening of my third eye. I’ve had lots of practice and tapping into it. I know how to focus, to push through the veil, and to use intuition to control my vantage point. I know who and how to trust, when not to, and how to invoke divine intervention with negative entities.

Day or night, I can always see multiple forms and levels of energy (my spirit guides who are always with me, as well as auras, energy rain, energy currents, etc.), but my third eye is always most open right after the first time I fall asleep each night. For years, I’ve woken up three to four times or more during the night, every few hours. It’s between these wakings that I see the most vividly and receptively, piercing the veil, and what I see is so startling I can guarantee you I’m not dreaming it. At first, the visions would get my heart pounding, my attention fixed raptly. It was just as startling as a bucket of cold water thrown on you in the dead of night, or to wake up at three a.m. with a roomful of strangers watching from the darkness inside your bedroom.

I’ll admit at first it was very scary – a deep, existential sort of terror. The seeing of what can’t be unseen, literally. There is no eyelid over the third eye to block things out. What’s there is there, unescapable.

Luckily, for now, I can only see things clearly with my physical eyes shut, so to get a break, I just need to open them. (Though just as of this week, I can still see through my third eye, through the veil, with my eyes open before I physically get out of bed. That’s when they “leave me be” so I can get on with my day. Like I said, so respectful!)

But that means that nighttime is extra exciting now. Especially with the pandemic raging, being stuck in my house, going to bed each night is the most thrilling experience of my entire life by far. The darkness is not empty – ever.

What I said in my last post is accurate. Do NOT try to open your third eye, especially not just because it’s a cool spiritual goal post or a neat bragging point for your ego. This is a consciousness-level life-shift that should be left to those the universe deems ready to experience it at a natural pace that’s in harmony with their energy level and spiritual development.

One message I am moved to convey to everyone reading this, no matter who you are or where you are in your path, is that you are never, ever alone. At any point of your day, or night, no matter where you are physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, or what you’re doing, I can guarantee you that you have company. A LOT of it. You are observed, and guided, and actively affected in very real ways by the types of beings you attract. And honestly, it doesn’t matter if you believe or not – your company doesn’t care about your beliefs. They’re there with you either way.

What determines what types of beings you attract?

Each of us exists on scale in a spectrum of positive versus negative energy. Everything in existence is energy and this is the way it is measured. Dense versus light. Good versus evil. If you strive each day to do the right thing, to be truthful and kind and work to improve yourself, to enjoy life and express gratitude for your blessings, you attract one type of being. If, however, you are negative, selfish, arrogant, if you lie, if you hurt others, if you have given up and are mired in depression, you attract a very different type of being. The negative beings very literally attach to negative people like parasites. They drag them down and feed on their energy. They hasten the downward spiral.

Conversely, if you are a generally positive person, strive to improve yourself, and try to surround yourself with positivity, you will attract beings who will work very hard to hasten your upward momentum toward a peaceful, joyful, fulfilling life. They wait beside us, always, listening for our requests for help and guidance. They are eager to assist.

The choice is ours, alone, to make.

There is a darkness in this world that is hungry. It feeds on the weak of spirit. It sticks like glue to negative people. It is drawn like moths to a flame to those who shine brightly. The only way to access protection is through clearly defined boundaries, safeguarding of our energy and our space, and requests for higher assistance.

I’m not saying this to scare anyone, but to hopefully shine a light on a truth of our world that every single thought, action, and goal counts in very real ways. Intention matters. I truly believe that if more people understood their actions are always being seen and measured on a vast, cosmic scale, they might behave very, very differently. When we are hurtful (to ourselves or others), we dig a hole in which we trap ourselves, from which no one and nothing can free us apart from our own efforts to improve, heal, and make things right again.

Whenever we are in need of help, all we need do is ask. But you need to ask. You need to humble yourself and ask for intervention and assistance. I promise you, you will get it!

All you need to know as you forge your path forward, no matter what your journey looks like, is: intention matters, you are not alone, there is always help available to you, clearly defined boundaries will save your life and sanity, and most of all… you need to choose either positive or negative. There is no middle, gray area. This is an either or deal! Your actions and subconscious patterns will CHOOSE FOR YOU if you try and avoid the issue consciously, and will likely lead you in a direction you will not want to go. 

There is a massive shift happening in this plane of reality right now. We are not in control of it – we are along for the ride. But this is our last chance to adjust our momentum if we don’t like where we’re headed. Willful blindness, laziness, selfishness, or any fear-driven mindset will send you in one direction and one direction only. The only way to go higher is to put in the work. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.

I’m always here if anyone needs to talk.

Love and blessings, friends.