UAPs & incorporating ETs into your understanding of God

Hopefully after living through this latest global pandemic we can all agree that humans are not very smart. We wildly misunderstand the nature of our reality, even on the most basic levels, basing many of our concepts on the teachings of outdated religions that were created to subjugate the populace and control them through fear. And if our ideas aren’t based on religion, they tend to either be based purely on “old fashioned” science or flesh-worshipping concepts like atheism (what you see is all there is and that’s it).

Here’s what mainstream media and most of society thinks is going on with us and the “aliens”: We are biological creatures that are born, live, then die. When we die we cease to exist. “Aliens” or ETs are also biological creatures that live on far-away planets who are born, live, then die and cease to exist. When the UFOs/UAPs visit us, it’s the ETs climbing into ships with better engines than our engines. They fly the ships across space and stop by our planet, likely to a) steal our resources, b) “conquer” us, or c) who knows but it can’t be good!

Sound familiar?

Does it sound closed-minded and idiotic to you? If not, hopefully by the end of this post, it will.

Look, I’m not here pretending to understand the nature of reality in terms us puny humans can process. The first step to expanding awareness is to accept that we know nothing. It’s only when we can at least acknowledge that much that we can start to explore possibilities and open our minds to new, more expansive concepts.

I’m going to share some more expansive concepts with you. I’m not insisting they’re correct, but ask only to consider the possibilities inherent in them as a way to broaden your perspective and begin your own search for answers.

The first step, as the title of this post suggests, is to incorporate extraterrestrials into our understanding of God. We do this by considering the idea that we are NOT solely biological creatures, but eternal spiritual beings temporarily incarnating in human form.

Why do we do this? To learn? Because we were bored? Who knows! But if you can accept that much, then you can begin to see the temporary nature of human lives as just a small piece of the larger picture in which we play a part.

Let’s say Earth is a 3-dimensional planet (it might not be anymore but that’s another story for another post), home of duality and free will. When we incarnate here, we forget the eternal nature of our souls and live within the veil of amnesia. This is so our puny human brains don’t get overwhelmed or distracted by our past lives and existence in the etherial plane. We just focus on what our 5 senses tell us about who we are and where we are.

With me so far?

Now, let’s consider that those of us incarnating on Earth aren’t all FROM Earth. That Earth is a destination we can decide to visit via a human life before returning from whence we came. Some of us are purely Earth-based souls (we come here over and over and ONLY come here. We don’t incarnate elsewhere). Some of us have had some Earth-based human lives, but have also been other places. Others of us have NEVER been to Earth before and have only existed in other realms. Souls who are not from Earth have been referred to as starseeds.

Starseeds can be a wide variety of beings: extra-dimensional beings, beings from other planets, divine beings who came directly from Source, beings of pure consciousness, or beings who have evolved past the need for a physical form. Anyone could be a starseed. YOU could be a starseed. They also experience amnesia when incarnating and forget who they are, but they do experience things like a profound longing for a “home” they can never find, deep-seated disgust with the way people treat each other and their environment, and persistent inability to find others with whom they connect on deeper levels.

Why do starseeds come to Earth?

To understand this, we must look at the nature of life on Earth, especially from a wider view that takes in the scope of human history. Earth is not an easy place to live. It’s full of suffering, loneliness, confusion, and also love. There is so much negativity here that we get easily overwhelmed. Because of free will, we are able to make terrible choices and nothing stops us from doing this. Humans are divisive and hateful toward each other. The world has been plagued by a greedy, rampaging patriarchy, wealth inequality, racism, slavery, etc. Basically, it’s very hard to break free of the traps we set for ourselves in order to live happy, peaceful, fulfilling lives that are relatively free of pain.

Starseeds come to try and change that. They come to spread light and love. The very nature of their otherworldly souls brings enhanced energy, capability, and knowledge beyond what Earth-based beings experience. While living human lives, they channel higher, benevolent forces who are desperately trying to keep us from destroying ourselves and this beautiful planet we live on. We think Earth is “ours” but it’s not – we just live here. And we’re doing a terrible job at not only keeping ourselves alive, but also at keeping our planet alive. We need all the help we can get.

Why doesn’t “God” save us?

Despite what religion and popular culture have told us, God is not an old white guy living up in the clouds. God is the source of all existence. It’s consciousness. Energy. Not a single, limited being similar to human beings. We are gravely mistaken when we try to personify God as having human weaknesses and traits. Everything that IS comes from God – is a part of God. We are all collectively, along with the rest of the entire universe, “God”.

The true nature of existence is Oneness. It is only our temporary amnesia in being incarnated on a dense 3D planet that prohibits us from understanding the ultimate goal of existence is to return to Oneness. Because Earth is a free will planet, we have the free will to experience fear, pain, suffering, and to kill physical bodies (Note: we are always eternal, so we cannot actually die).

Divine beings don’t save us because that would violate free will. But, like I said, the planet itself is not “ours”. It’s a being in its own right and we are not being permitted to kill it. ETs know if that happened it would have massively horrific repercussions rippling outward throughout many other realms than this one. That’s why they have done things like shutting off nuclear weapons, but have not, for example, eradicated the coronavirus or warfare of any sort for us.

UAPs happen, and we see UFOs, because they’re keeping an eye on us. They’re here to prevent us from blowing up the planet. They don’t stop us from killing ourselves or each other because very much like on Star Trek with their Prime Directive, there is a non-interference rule with lesser evolved, denser planets like ours. They are not ALLOWED to interfere.

There are, however, loopholes, such as the existence of starseeds. ETs can voluntarily incarnate here in massive numbers to try and bring light and positivity with them to tip the scales on all the darkness and negativity. It’s said that MILLIONS of starseeds are currently incarnated on Earth. This is because it’s is a profoundly critical moment in human history. It’s do or die. We either shift things toward the positive, or we will quickly find ourselves on an uninhabitable planet.

Because the goal of existence is to grow awareness and ascend back to unity consciousness, souls come to Earth to do this (Earth is one of the most difficult places to incarnate – in the sense that it’s both torturous to exist here and there is quite a massive waiting list to be granted access to a much-sought-after Earth life). The difficult nature of life on Earth means we can grow and evolve our consciousness much more quickly here. The problem is that many, many souls who incarnate on Earth are NOT evolving. They’re stuck in negative, repeating karmic patterns. It’s gotten so bad that the only choice is to recruit outside help from starseeds, or give up on the human experiment entirely. Starseeds and ETs want to help save us. They want to get us unstuck from the traps we’ve set for ourselves and have proven unable to get out of on our own.

What about the ships in the sky? The UFOs?

Many of the ETs on these ships are beings who have family who are currently incarnated on Earth. They are here to be near them and make sure they are okay, because they love them too much to abandon them on a hellscape planet like this one. So, they hide themselves away on other dimensions where they are close but not visible to us, showing up once in a while to hint at the true nature of things and to show us we’re not alone.

This is why it’s so funny that the popular narrative is that the “aliens” are here to “get us” and have some malevolent agenda. WE ARE THE ONES WITH THE MALEVOLENT AGENDA. Humans are the monsters. We are the ones trapped in this realm of negativity, fear, and pain. We can’t build bigger guns to blast the ETs out of the sky and therefore “win”, because it’s way, way bigger than that. You can’t fight beings that are incarnating on your planet through the same channels Earth-based souls do. This is about the nature of existence. It’s about divine beings trying to shift the course of reality on this planet for the highest good of all so that billions of souls can finally have some peace and salvation from suffering. The only ones who actually want to destroy the ETs are the darkest, lowest humans who have done a thorough job at subjugating the people of this world for their own greed and maliciousness. They are the only bad guys here.

And guess what? The ETs are trying to save them too.

Love and blessings, friends.