Seer Diaries: The State of the World—Fork in the Road

There are a number of topics I plan to write about on this blog that have to do with my third eye opening. These include seeing the veil between our world and the next; my experiences with negative entities; how to protect yourself from negative entities; my experiences with benevolent and divine entities; and more. Before I get to them, though, I need to set a few things straight about what I see happening in our world, and why. These are things that the larger spiritual community (parts that haven’t been infested with Q-anon—an agent of the Dark that directly targets those it sees working hard for Light) is in whole-hearted agreement on.

My expanding awareness over the past year, as well as my direct encounters with both benevolent and negative spirits has helped form my understanding of what’s happening right now. Many people are searching for answers or an explanation of why so many aspects of our society are failing at the same time.

The convenient excuse for the lower-vibration groups is that it’s all the fault of those who are upsetting the normal order in the name of what are considered foolish attempts to save the lives of others, or to question extreme abuses of authority, or blatant racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia. This old order likes things just as they have been for thousands of years, where the rich, old, white men have all of the power over everyone else, and act entirely out of their own selfish interests at the expense of absolutely everything, including the survival of our planet.

The painful truth is there are a lot of people in this world who are most comfortable when someone in authority is telling them exactly what to do, think, and feel. They enjoy knowing exactly who they should hate and criticize, who to blame each of their problems on, and how exactly to putter mindlessly through their days with no free will or independent thought.

The old order has been in power for far too long, but is finally crumbling. It feeds glutinously off of these sheep-like people who serve their goals. Their sheep never question orders, sometimes not even when their own life is at stake. They’re happily used, abused, and fed to the machine. The sheep are kept small and controllable through heavy-handed use of fear and hate. Divisiveness forbids awakening to truth. It maintains a chaotic populous that’s too afraid to look past the surface of things and band together to overthrow the tyrants causing all of the pain.

But people are awakening. The vibration of the planet and its occupants is rising. We’re overcoming duality and evolving into a place and a people who choose love over fear, and who come together to solve problems rather than hiding and pointing fingers.

This transformation is happening because of the good people in this world, because of the divine energies washing over our planet, and through the assistance of countless benevolent entities.

We’re at a crucial point in the history of the world. There is a fork in the road before us. There are only two ways this can play out. Either we will fail to rise above and lift this plane of existence to a higher level, or we will succeed. If we fail, the old order wins. The earth will become uninhabitable for humans very swiftly, and the game will be over. Any kind of survival that happens will be defined by immense suffering. The authoritarians will have ceased control over the rest, and the effects of this catastrophe will ripple outwards through the universe.

If we succeed, we will save our planet and ourselves. Our society will finally be released from the clutches of the patriarchy, from subservience, from wealth inequality, from the rat race, and from enslavement. Life will be about thriving, creative expression, community, and kindness. The possibilities are limitless.

There are those who are in touch with the other side, who insist this war has already been won by the Light, and we’re just seeing the effects of the battle rippling outward before things settle into place. I believe this is true, but I also believe those who shun the Light will be granted the freedom to exist in Darkness.

We are all of us entirely surrounded by beings who are actively engaged in this struggle between Light and Dark, love and fear, positive and negative. The Light beings are fighting for us to live our highest good. They’re ready and waiting to help, always. The Dark beings are also fighting, but to keep us plugged into its matrix of pain as food.

Before I write my upcoming post about my encounters with negative entities, it’s important for me to convey what their goal is.

We are each born into this world with Light, as sparks of the divine. Our souls are small fractal aspects of God/Source/Creation, or whatever name you prefer to call it. We are unimaginably powerful, immortal, invincible beings of love. We incarnate on Earth because it’s one of the most challenging experiences we can possibly undertake (and things get boring when you exist forever). The density of this world is well beyond the vast majority of the universe. If you think of incarnation as school, and our lives as our lessons, then Earth is one of the most grueling schools out there. It’s near impossible to get the chance to come here, so we’re very blessed to have the opportunities for growth that we do. We can evolve here in leaps and jumps.

But many beautiful souls sign up to a life on Earth only to be overwhelmed by pain and suffering. The negativity here is everywhere and drags down anyone who doesn’t fight hard enough to escape it. This negativity has consciousness. It seeks to feed off of our Light in order to trap us here. We’re like singular sparks of brightness in expansive, pitch darkness, drawing all manner of creatures of the Dark directly to us.

They don’t want us to banish them and save this world from their ruin. They capture us through our egos, and through suffering. But like all vampires, they need to be invited in. We can expel them. We can take back control over our experience, our soul, and our world. In a future post, I will list specific examples on how exactly to do that.

Friends, we’re right at that fork in the road. In fact, some of us have already chosen the path of Light and have stepped onto it. Because we’re still close to the fork, we can see those who are headed down the path of the Dark. They’re still right beside us, but they won’t be for long. There is still time to reach them, to call them back and encourage them to choose the Light for their own sakes, if not for any other reason. Unfortunately, there is no way to force anyone to express their free will in a way they choose not to. We can’t make anyone do anything they don’t want to do. And many, many souls are just fine with enslavement and suffering if it means they don’t need to work very hard at anything.

You will begin to see the effects of this splitting of paths in the people in your lives. Some will have a very easy time of things while others face unimaginable obstacles, challenges, and pain. One person will have their days filled with joy and relative peace, despite what’s going on in the wider world, while their neighbor is in absolute misery. Both timelines will exist side-by-side for a while, until they diverge completely.

Many who are leaving this plane through death now are doing so to continue the fight for good from the other side, where they can thrive and have a greater impact.

Those who are ascending and choosing to evolve their spirit for the highest good will fall into the flow of things. They will be carried to a higher level and given the chance to make an impact through a life that is more peaceful, enriching, and full of possibilities. No matter what happens on Earth, they will be lifted out of suffering because that is what they have chosen.

Those who have sunken deep into pits of fear and selfishness, who refuse to grow or escape their self-made prisons, will get to stay there. The universe is very accommodating. If a soul wants to stay in misery, the universe makes it happen. If Earth doesn’t survive, these souls will be relocated to another, similar place until they finally choose to ascend as well, even if it takes them literal eons to do so.

To be perfectly honest, I’ve been shocked and appalled lately by the fear-driven and ego-driven behaviors of my family and friends. The further we progress through this fork in the road, the more clearly I see people declaring their alignment with Dark or Light. Most people I see are choosing Dark. I believe that is why I am where I am, so I can do my best to infuse Light into this place and these people. We need to each look inward and determine whether our actions are driven by service to self, or service to the good of all.

If you have chosen service to self, you are on the path of darkness. You have declared your fear is more important than the continued existence of everyone else. That you are willing to kill your neighbor or your brother if it means you don’t have to work quite as hard. That’s darkness.

If you’re too afraid of sacrificing your ability to party with friends in order to protect them from suffering and death, you are on the path of darkness. If you laugh at people in pain, saying they brought it on themselves and probably deserve it anyway, you are on the path of darkness.

If you are stuck in a toxic, abusive situation, and are too afraid to do anything about it, even in the privacy of your own heart, even if it means your loved ones suffer because of your weakness, you are on the path of darkness. My parents were monstrous, evil people and not one of my relatives or friends stood up for me to them. I send light and love to all of their souls because I see them on the path of darkness and know it’s totally unnecessary for them to be headed in that direction. But their existence is their own to navigate.

It’s do or die now. Things will keep getting worse for those who need the lesson. Things will get better for those who don’t. It’s as simple as that.

Be conscious of your choices, and what is driving you forward. Be careful of where you invest your energy. If anything in your world feels negative, stay far away from it. Protect your energy. Prayer and mediation work. Loving beings are listening and want to help you. No one but you is in control of what your experience will be. Nothing in this life happens TO us. We only become victims if we choose it. Everything that you experience is a lesson—even the nightmarish catastrophes, and things that seem “unfair”. If you look hard enough, you will see the opportunities for growth. If you decide to get through the pain and come out the other side, you will.

Negativity might already have its hooks in you. It might be the cruel voice inside your head that makes you feel bad. Know that voice is not you. It’s your ego and your painbody. You don’t have to listen to it. You can tell it exactly where to go and expel it from your energy. Again, vampires have to be invited in. Stop inviting them in!

Good luck out there, everyone. Love and blessings.

Seer Diaries: Seeing Spirits (Childhood & Daytime)

I have not talked about the things I’m sharing here with anyone besides my husband. As far as I can remember, I never told anyone about these experiences, and still haven’t decided whether I’ll start talking about them in the future. For now, this blog is the sole place I’m sharing them. I’ve been surrounded by outspoken skeptics my whole life and it’s worn me down. At this point, I don’t care whether or not anyone else believes in these things, because they’re starkly real to me and quite a lot to handle psychologically all on your own.

One disclaimer before diving in. I distinguish between spirits and “ghosts”. My gift has manifested differently at various stages of my life, but I do not see ghosts (such as the transparent, full-color, full-bodied apparitions shown wandering hallways in TV shows and movies). I see energy, including conscious energy in the form of spirit. Infrequently, I have encountered the impression of specific deceased relatives and gotten a crystal-clear image of them in my mind (as well as information about why they were visiting), but my experiences don’t play out the way Hollywood portrays. I also want to point out that there’s a lot more out there with us besides formerly alive humans. A LOT more.

I’ve noticed these phenomenally bright spirits show up randomly during the day as I’m doing chores. Suddenly, when I blink I’ll see a blinding light at the edge of my vision. If I’m able to, I then find a darker space in which to close my eyes and check out what’s going on.

It can be frustrating to not know who these spirits are, why they’re visiting me, or why they hang around. I don’t even really understand where they are in space and time in relation to my physical body. They never “come out” from beyond the edges of things like my co-pilots do. At any given point in time there are usually a couple of them on both my left and right, several above me, and sometimes one below. They move around (some more than others). They come out in droves while I’m meditating.

Childhood Abilities

I could see spirits when I was young. Since I wasn’t exactly surrounded by supportive, nurturing loved ones, I kept it to myself and found ways to self-soothe when overwhelmed by this ability. The spirits showed up mostly at night and in the dark. I’d see shadow figures passing through my bedroom like it was Grand Central Station. And I’m not just talking about one or two, but a crowd of them. Too many to count. If I decided to “see the people”, it would switch on and they would be everywhere.

It was terrifying.

If I wondered if I would see a scary face, one would manifest right in front of me like I’d conjured it. Most of the people were all-black figures who walked through walls and the room like they couldn’t see it or didn’t know it was even there. They never interacted with me. The only ones who would look directly at me or acknowledge me at all were the negative, scary ones.

I hated it. My life was already hellish due to having abusive, neglectful parents with severe, untreated personality disorders. Seeing transparent people in my bedroom in the dead of night was the breaking point for me.

So I turned it off. I decided—conclusively—that I “didn’t want to see the people anymore”.

It worked. I stopped seeing them… for the most part. I had a couple other one-off experiences after that.

One of them was seeing a brightly glowing female in long, flowing blue robes with golden hair walk out of my parents’ bathroom, cross their bedroom, the hallway, and then enter my bedroom. Hyperventilating with terror, I yanked the bedsheet up over my head to hide. But I could still see her THROUGH the sheet as she sat on the edge of my bed, looking at me. As an overwhelmed, traumatized little kid, I can’t even explain my level of fear at that point. I blanked out. My memory of it shuts off once I remember her sitting down. Interestingly, she gave off loving energy. She smiled. She glowed like an angel. I’m pretty sure the fear stemmed from the fact that I could still see her through the sheet, proving it wasn’t just my mind playing tricks on me.

In retrospect, I believe she was a benevolent spirit checking up on me.

The older I got, the more I told myself it had all been in my mind and not real at all.

I was wrong.

Several Months Ago: The First Signs Something was Changing

During the pandemic, I’ve spent time meditating every single day. I’ve gone on daily ninety minute walks for months, doing chanting mantras to keep my mind clear and my awareness on the present moment rather than worries. In addition to this, I’ve been doing tons of inner work (journaling, shadow work, speaking to my spirit guides, etc.) in my plentiful free time. The clearer my mind became, the lighter I felt.

Soon, I noticed pressure on my forehead, right between and above my eyes where the third eye is located. This sensation began during the length of my meditations, or even just when I would zone out randomly during the day. It was intense and unmistakable, like someone’s fingertip resting firmly against the skin.

That was the first sign.

Then I began to see things during meditation, when my eyes were shut. It looked like a lava lamp effect of darkness and dim, blue light swirling gently around. It was hypnotic and pleasant to watch. I could follow the movement and it would help keep my mind clear of thoughts.

Next, the air came alive for me. Everywhere, all the time, I see movement in the air. It’s energy. It pulses, shimmers, flickers, and flows. It’s become impossible to tell if it’s raining lightly outside because it always looks like it is to me. This is called “energy rain”.

I began, immediately after each session of meditation, to try and see my aura. I’d un-focus my eyes and see faint colors surrounding my hand. I’d also see fizzy energy—it looks almost exactly like the tiny bubbles that shoot off the top of a freshly poured glass of soda. It’s made of tiny specks of light and shoots off of my skin everywhere, all the time. The specks fly at great speed and travel several feet away from the body, where I tend to lose track of them as they keep going on their trajectories without slowing down. These are part of our energy field, showing exactly how we interact with the world around us in profound ways of which we’re not even aware.

Given all of these little amazements, it was still pretty astounding when I started to notice beings at the absolute edges of my peripheral vision when my eyes were shut. There were two of them—one on each side. I’ve been calling them my co-pilots. I can (just barely) see them from about the waist up, with clearly distinguishable arms, torso, and a head that is always concealed behind a radiating light. At first, I only caught glimpses, but they were always there as (at the very least) a brightly glowing, moving light. They are there twenty-four seven and appear differently than any other being I’ve witnessed. I believe them to be my spirit guides.

Present Day: Daytime Spirits

My co-pilots are still there, all the time. All I have to do is close my eyes to see them. I can even see them with my eyes open in the right circumstances. When I recently went to the dentist for my regular teeth-cleaning, while sitting in the waiting room I got to watch a pair of tiny glowing arms moving around at the outer edge of my right eye.

At night, I see my co-pilots much more clearly when they often “come out”, moving further into my field of vision. Their presence is always profoundly reassuring and not at all scary. I can call on them for protection to place themselves between me and other beings that may have ill intent. It can get awkward when I notice them when I’m in the shower or other moments when we would naturally assume we’re alone. Now I know I’m not! Ever! But I appreciate the reassurance that I’m not on my own and always have support. These guys are very hard at work. They’re always moving and frantically working on things with their hands like they’re piloting a complicated space shuttle (hence the co-pilot nickname).

In addition to my co-pilots, I now see other light beings during daytime hours. They hang out in my peripheral vision. They’re much smaller than the co-pilots, and are just balls of light. They come in a variety of sizes and colors, and pulsate constantly at different speeds and strengths. It’s thanks to their differences in brightness and flickering speeds that I’m able to distinguish them from one another. There are usually around ten of them (more or less) around me at a given time. They move around the edges of things and come and go. I have absolutely no idea who they are or why they’re here. If there is a way to communicate directly with them, I have not yet found it. Thankfully, I usually can’t see them unless I close my eyes. This helps me tune them out while I’m going about my day.

Once in a while I’ll get a visitor who is breathtakingly bright. Again, I notice them with my eyes closed—while blinking or if I shut my eyes for a longer period of time. Think of sitting in a dark movie theater, watching the movie projected onto the screen. Then, imagine someone on the side of the theater switches on one solitary flood light. That’s what it’s like when these spirits show up.

I can say one thing though—I much prefer seeing spirits in lightbeing form to seeing apparitions or shadow figures.

Nothing about these lightbeing visitors is scary for me now. They help remind me to make best use of my time, and to live mindfully, doing the best I can at all times, in all ways. It’s easier to feel motivated when I can literally see my audience watching me. I’m never off the hook or off the clock. Every moment is witnessed.

But I’ve got to say, even with all of the activity I see during the day, it’s NOTHING to what I experience at night.

Love and blessings, friends.