The Nature of Our Reality is Illusion & Why the Fearful Are Fighting to End the World

The more we delve into the mysteries of quantum mechanics, the more scientists discover the fabric of our reality (including all matter, even our bodies) is mostly empty space. What is not empty space is all made up of the same stuff, just vibrating at different rates of speed. This rate of vibration is what determines density and all physical properties. Much like how television screens provide viewers a mirage of life out of different, shifting colors, our entire reality is likewise an illusion. Though, rather than colors, it is made up of different, shifting vibrations.

Plato’s allegory of the cave poetically described reality as we understand it as shifting shadows cast in front of us, the viewers, on the wall of a cave. He said if we were to get up and exit the cave, we’d see the “real” forms of these shadows, captured in dimensions far beyond our wildest imagination.

The spiritual view is that our reality on Earth is a projection of our consciousness. All of us are interconnected parts of a whole. While incarnated in this world, our experience is a reflection of ourselves. What we see around us in the world, our experiences, and other people, is a mirror of where we are in our spiritual growth. Nothing here is “real”, other than our Selves, which are individual sparks of the Source of all creation.

To simplify and merge all of these concepts, let’s imagine our world as a video game. Most of us don’t know we’re just video game characters. We aren’t aware that the identities we so carefully cultivate over the course of our lifetimes vanish upon death (when the game is over) as we transition back into our true states of being. That is when the fractal part of our soul that had incarnated in a physical Earthly body rejoins the whole of our higher self, the amnesia that comes with incarnation lifts, and our connection to all that is floods back into our awareness.

While we’re on Earth, and the amnesia of this reality has us in its grip, it’s easy to believe this is all that is. We buy into the game, which is programmed to include suffering. This leads to fear, and many of us aren’t able to find our way out of fear’s clutches. Many souls go through life unquestionably believing everything the game shows them. And, keep in mind, the game shows them only reflections of themselves. So, if they see the world as full of lack, competition, and misery, that is what they find. If we are unable to see the good things in our world, because we choose not to see them, it stands to reason those things would not register on our radar. They could be right in front of us, but free will always allows us to choose our way. If we choose fear, we find only causes of fear.

Do you see the trap this creates?

Many people go through their whole lives unable to escape their own fear. It determines everything they do. They don’t have faith. They can’t imagine there is more to life than what’s projected on the screen of their reality. They totally buy into fear and suffering, which produces only more fear and suffering. They lie, cheat, steal, abuse, rape, and murder because they see themselves as trapped in a game of misery and torment. They frantically gather all of the treasure they can find up until the moment of death—which they understand to be blessed oblivion, saving them from endless suffering.

But the treasures they have gathered—money, possessions, fame, power—are written into the code of the video game. They’re not real. They vanish once our character dies. Their frantic mission to accumulate was for nothing.

So, they die. And they finally, finally see that life was just a video game after all. They have the epiphany that we do go on, for as the law of the conservation of energy states: energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can only change form.

Then their soul faces REAL accountability for their actions. They’re made to answer for every choice, all of the pain they caused themselves and others, and all of the ways they’ve failed to grow and learn at the school of Earth.

And they’re sent back to try their lesson again.

They re-enter the game as a new character, with total amnesia of what reality is, and fall to fear once more.

This can literally go on forever.

All of us will always find what we choose to see. It’s up to us. We are the creators of our world. If we choose fear and pain, that’s what we get. Unfortunately, most of us have to reach a breaking point before we are forced to make a different choice and look for something better. After untold stretches of time, we find we just can’t do it anymore. We decide ANYTHING is better than what we’ve been doing so far.

And we look for another path. A door. An option.

All it takes is the willingness to LOOK.

Because remember, we always find what we choose to see. We are the creators.

When we look for a path, we find it. Always.

When we look for hope, it’s there waiting.

If we declare we want lives of peace, and gentle learning, and joy, we find them!

And yet, there are still so many in this world with us—fractional parts of our true self, for we are all always One—trapped in fear. Look at the news, social media, and your loved ones. You’ll see it.

Look at the people we fault the most with trying to destroy our society and planet. Do you see their fear? Their lack of faith in anything but the cruelty of the game they’re creating for themselves? Can you begin to see how much pain they’re in? Their tragedy is we cannot save them. We cannot force them to choose a kinder path for themselves. Because they have the free will to suffer if they choose to.

Try to explain to one of them that they have a choice. Go on. They won’t listen, because we can only see what we’re capable of recognizing. They won’t see your hope until they choose to see it for themselves.

They are not our enemy. They are parts of us. They ARE us. And we can’t save them.

But threatening them with more fear when they’re already drowning in it effects no change. The only way to help them is through love, compassion, and connection. When we act with kindness, no matter what, we at least remove the possibility for more fear. We provide a blessed opportunity for them to find a breath, to feel a moment of love, and maybe, to give them permission to make a different choice.

Don’t buy into the game. Examine your choices closely. If there is a better, kinder alternative you haven’t tried, go for it. Don’t trust fear, because fear is just code in the game. It’s not real. It never is. The only truth is love. Love is what carries us through to the next world, and everything waiting beyond it. It’s the only thing we take with us.

And try your best to have compassion for the fearful. Our world is changing constantly, shifting to higher, lighter vibrations and there is no stopping it. This terrifies those who are most comfortable in the low, dark, negative places. They know they can’t come with us to where we’re headed, because many of them just aren’t ready to evolve. Plus, free will allows them the chance to stay where they are, as they are. Us wanting better for them isn’t nearly enough to convince them to join us in a better, brighter world. They know they’re being left behind, so they’d rather try to destroy the game for all of us rather than be left in their self-created Hell for eternity. They can’t see there is more to existence than this game. They prefer oblivion to their suffering, and can you blame them really?

The truth—which is there waiting for us to see it—is Love. Love is the whole truth. It’s waiting for us when we need it, because it comes from us. It’s what we ARE. In this world and all the rest. It’s there for us even when we’re blind to it. It’s there whether we believe in it or not.

So, have faith in where we’re headed. Choose love. Let the illusion of fear melt away. It will if you believe it can.

Love and blessings, friends.

Our Conscious Universe: The Observer Effect

I’ve been reading two books by Deepak Chopra that really delve into the science behind the reality that our universe is conscious (Life After Death, and You Are the Universe – co-written with Menas C. Kafatos, Ph.D.). I highly, highly recommend these to you if you’re at all interested in how scientific facts support spiritual ideas. There is a lot to unpack here, so I’m going to take things one piece at a time, starting with the fascinating observer effect.

When I was very young, I remember my panic in wondering if what I saw with my eyes was really “there”. Most of us view the world through these two sockets in our head, giving us a specific field of vision at all times. But the only proof of what our eyes tell us is via our other senses, like touch, smell, and sound. How do we know those are trustworthy either? As I’ve aged, I’ve gotten used to the lack of proof of what I experience as reality, but the questions still remain.

My favorite metaphor for life as we understand it is like playing a video game with really impressive graphics and interactive features. We have our screen to observe gameplay. Our brain is our controller. In traditional video games, the game is only there for the player to use it. Without players, there would be no game. And the game itself is programmed to react to what the players do. Strangely, our world behaves exactly like this as well.

Mind over matter upsets the applecart of physics through this discovery, that the act of observation—mere looking—isn’t passive… You are altering the activity in your brain’s visual cortex as your eye falls upon different objects…What we take for granted, however, is that seeing things is passive “out there.” This is where the theory of quantum mechanics caused an upset.

If you move from big things to small things, observing photons, electrons, and other subatomic particles creates a mysterious phenomenon known as the observer effect… According to quantum theory, as long as a photon or electron isn’t being observed, it acts like a wave… Yet, as soon as the photon or electron is observed, it behaves like a particle.

Deepak Chopra, M.D. & Menas C. Kafatos, Ph.D., You Are the Universe, pg. 19

The observer effect can be found throughout all of nature, and shows us that just by looking at something, we change its state and behavior. This is the case for subatomic particles, as stated above. Electrons maintain a superposition, existing in several places at once, until they are observed. What wondrous behavior for one of the building blocks of matter!

Light particles behave similarly. Light maintains the form of a wave, until it is observed. Then it changes state to become a particle. This is known as the collapse of the wave function. The act of observation itself brings particles into existence in time and space. This means light, photons, and electrons know we’re watching, so they decide to change form. Know and decide are scary concepts to assign to things materialists insist contain no mind of their own. This is an example of how a conscious universe behaves.

What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.

Werner Heisenberg

Schrödinger’s cat is another example of the observer effect. The cat is both alive and dead until we observe it. In fact, by observing the cat, we cause it to be either alive or dead, since otherwise it exists in both states simultaneously. 

Materialist and traditional science like to state that the observer plays no significant part in reality. They say things are what they are, regardless of who’s around to notice. This is simply incorrect. As observers, we play a crucial role in reality. Reality is what it is right now because we observe it. Truthfully, we have no way of knowing what would exist if we were not here to function as observers, or if anything would exist at all. Without the players, after all, there is no game.

I know it’s a bold claim to say reality exists for the sake of those living in it, but this is exactly one of the truths explored in these books, supported by some of the most brilliant scientific minds in the world.

Though we might not understand why reality exists for the sake of us, the observers, that it does, that we shape the universe just by witnessing it, means a great deal. We are a crucial part of the functioning of our world just by being here.

It can be argued that without the observer, nature exists only as pure potential, that we the creators hold the responsibility for shaping everything, in each moment. If you ever doubt your worth or importance, hold onto the scientific fact that all of nature—everything made up of photons, electrons, and light—is designed to react specifically to you. What will you choose to do with that power?

Love and blessings, friends.