This is going to sound super easy—too easy—and that’s because it is. Us humans complicate things for ourselves unnecessarily. We spend our whole lives searching the world for happiness, love, and ways to define ourselves, proving who we are through accomplishments, money, fame, and the quality of our possessions. There’s a reason why so many search futilely for these things in the world around them.
Happiness can’t be found outside of ourselves; it has to come from within. Love can’t be found outside of ourselves; it has to come from within. Our sense of self can’t be found outside of ourselves; it has to come from within.
Are you seeing the pattern, here?
No one can give you happiness, or make you feel love, or provide you with a sense of self; you have to find them within. You have to do the work.
Our soul is our connection to our Higher Self. It’s our connection to the Source of all Creation. It’s our cosmic GPS system, telling us where we need to go as we navigate our path. It’s our everlasting connection to home. It’s made up of love, and comes from the Source of all love. Everything we need—EVERYTHING—can be found through our connection to our soul. Love, happiness, contentment, purpose, comfort, guidance, identity, passion, peace are all to be found solely (haha, get it?) through it. You can search in vain for lifetimes for these things in the external world. So many of us do. Please, let me spare you wasted centuries. All you need is already inside of you—you just have to stop and be courageous enough to really look behind all of the nonsense and excuses that get in the way.
The souls in our earthly bodies are fractional parts of our total soul energy that we’ve taken with us into this current, temporary incarnation. It’s a fragment of our Being, which would be way too powerful to be contained in its entirety within a physical form. The fragment that we send is a specific part that requires healing—this is our purpose. We’re here to learn and grow to heal this particular aspect of our soul.
The characteristics we bring into our life are the ones that will suit our purpose best. You remain constantly connected, 24/7, to the rest of your soul energy while incarnated. In fact, our soul is our primary guide, using its boundless knowledge to keep us lovingly on course. We are never, ever alone, at any moment, because we always have our soul, and through it our many guides and angels. Our guides and our soul want for us to care for ourselves more, to put love ahead of fear, and to recognize our lessons so we can make progress with them. They do not judge, and have endless patience, but you only help yourself when you set guilt, remorse, and shame aside in order to face the biggest problems set in front of you.
Unfortunately, there are many around us that have lost their connection to soul. They’re driven by mind (ego) instead of heart (soul). They’ve gone so far down the path of fear that they cannot hear the guidance of their soul anymore, or feel its love. They have a great void inside where this love should be, and isn’t. Rather than trying to heal themselves, they try to fill this void with the attention of others, and with material things. Social media propagates this. Our materialistic, personality-driven culture propagates this, to our collective detriment.
Some of the most dangerous people in this world are those without any connection to their soul. They feel no remorse for what they do, nor empathy for those they hurt. In fact, the rest of us don’t really exist as people to them at all. We are only prey, objects, or food to be used for their selfish needs. They will eagerly drain your energy, hope, and love, shunting it all into their inner void, and will not feel an ounce of regret if you die from their efforts. That may sound harsh, but please don’t kid yourself if you have someone like this in your life. Believe someone the first time when they show you who they are. And trust me, they will show you, over and over again.
These are creatures of infinite selfish need, fueled by blind rage and primal fear. Without love, without heart or soul, this is what they’re left with. This is all they get, until they hit some sort of rock bottom of pain and finally make a different choice. Their guides never give up on them. The choice of love over fear is always there for them to take. Our guides want us to learn through wisdom, rather than doubt and fear, but too many of us only learn when agony forces us to make different choices.
If you encounter one of these energy vampires, know there is nothing you can do to help them if they will not help themselves. The best thing you can do is deprive them of your energy in hopes they will make a better choice without you there to tempt them. Save yourself, heal yourself, and find ways to give your love to this world in a way that will make a positive difference, rather than being a waste.
These energy vampires always have enablers surrounding them. Enablers are captivated by the hollow power and manipulative efforts of the soulless. Fear of facing the wrath of someone without mercy or compassion keeps them tethered by short leashes. I was raised by someone without connection to soul, who was enabled by our entire extended family. When I finally found the strength to say No More, not a single biological relative was there to support this decision. I would love for them to wake up, see truth, and choose love, but I can’t make that choice for them. We can only see what we’re ready to see. The rest of us can only send good energy to their souls to help strengthen them, while keeping a safe distance. Their fear drives them to choose the comfort of blindness, to pretend the dysfunction of personality-driven lives is enough, that being food for the evil is their greatest purpose. I’m a big fan of the popular saying, “do not set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm.” You are not kindling for the misguided! You have worth. Choosing your health, sanity, and survival is always better than enabling the cruel.
For decades, I told myself that surely the miserable, toxic people around me really did love me, deep down. I didn’t realize until I’d gotten away that they did not. These people don’t love us. They can’t even feel love the way we do. They only want to manipulate us into sticking around for them to use and abuse. They want us to distract them from the void where their soul should be. You are worth more than food. You are not just something for a monster to chew on. Them being unable to love you does not mean you’re not worthy of love! It means they are unable to love you the way you deserve. It means you should leave them to their choices and seek love from those who are able to give it.
There’s really nothing in our culture that reminds us on a daily basis to get in touch with our soul, to do actual self-care, and listen closely to what our intuition tells us. These are the most important things you can possibly do for yourself, hands down. Another saying that applies here is, “secure your own oxygen mask before helping others with theirs.” Make the choice today, starting right now, to put the wellbeing of your soul first on your priority list. Nothing else matters as much as this. When we are actually taking real care of ourselves, we do a better job at everything else we do. We vibrate positive energy, brightening everything we touch, everyone we encounter.
I challenge you, reading this, to listen closer to your soul, to let go of anything that’s getting in the way and let your real Self shine through. I promise it will transform your whole life, and quickly! You owe this to yourself. You help heal the whole of Creation by starting right there, with the piece of it that’s inside you.
Love and blessings, friends.