Do you want to release stress? Escape suffering? Relinquish sadness? Find happiness? Discover your true path in life? Get in touch with your Higher Self and the universe’s greatest hopes for your ultimate purpose? It’s not difficult to do these things. We make things much more difficult than they need to be, to say the least, wasting lifetimes for no reason. You can achieve all of these things with one simple action—the simplest thing in the world.
Let go.
Sounds so easy, doesn’t it? It is. I promise you it is. The only thing standing in your way is not the unfairness of the world, your situation and circumstances, or anyone else. It’s YOU. But you are the only one in control of what you do, so this is within your power. You can heal yourself. You can save yourself. You can empower yourself.
Our emotions are the way our Soul and Higher Self communicates with us, so it is important to feel our feelings, but then we need to let them go and move past them. Learn the lesson they’re pointing you toward, and then keep moving forward.
We hold on to so much—ideas, assumptions, prejudices, family, friends, lovers, jobs, material objects, standards of beauty and success. We build up these castles of air in our heads, telling ourselves if we don’t achieve our weird inner perfect vision of the way our life is supposed to be, of what WE’RE supposed to be, we are failing. This is all just fear. It’s hot air and nonsense. They’re ways we cling to ego in sacrifice of our joy, our true potential, and our connection to Soul.
You need to let it all go. All of it. Hold on to nothing.
What does that mean? Have you heard the saying, ‘if you love them, let them go?’ People and things that are meant to be in your life will be in your life. You don’t need to hold them there, captive to your will. If they really love you, they will stay and love you. Or maybe they will leave and love you, and that’s okay too. We each have a path to walk and it’s not our place to tell someone else what their path is. Our only job is to love them, despite their choices.
You are not in charge of what/who is in your path. Maybe it causes you pain to hear that, but I urge you to see it as a blessing. Your path is predetermined. Your ego doesn’t call the shots. If someone is meant to be with you on your journey, they will be with you on your journey. If an achievement is meant for you, it will happen. Sure, hard work and focus is required. You need to set your intentions. But please stop chasing things not meant for you to have.
In this life, all we are required to do is have faith, and be the vessel for the universe’s plans for our destiny. Existence is like a flowing river. When you cling to rocks you see as you’re swept along its path, you drown yourself as the water sweeps over you—its will more powerful than your own. Stop drowning yourself by clinging to things. When you let go, and let the water carry you to your intended destination, things become so easy. You become in tune with all of creation. You stop worrying, stop suffering. You find joy and peace in every single moment—no waiting, no chasing required. You have happiness NOW.
You have guides guiding you, right now. They’re trying to open your eyes to things. They’re trying to help you help yourself progress. If you cling to things and plug your ears, you won’t hear them and you’ll waste your time and energy. Free will means you have that option. You’re able to waste all of the time in the world, life after life after life, but is that what you really want? Or do you want to stop hurting? Do you want to make the most of every moment and enjoy everything along the way?
Let go.
Let go of who you think you are. Let go of who you think is supposed to be by your side. Let go of all of the things society tells you you should be and have. Open your heart. Fill yourself with faith and just float along the river with ease. If you make space in your life, the universe will notice. It will see you’re ready and send good things your way. It can tell if you try to listen for guidance, and it will send you guidance.
It’s not complicated. It’s not a trick. You’ve tied knots in yourself trying to be things you weren’t mean to be, for the sake of mistaken notions of what everyone else expects you to be. Who cares what others expect you to be? Honestly? It’s YOUR life. It’s YOUR destiny. When you die and pass on, you are the one who will carry your karma with you to the next life. You will be the one standing before your guides and the higher spirits, having to answer for your choices. When you are in that moment, will you be proud of yourself and your efforts? Or will you be embarrassed at having invested your energy in so many things besides love?
You don’t owe anyone achievements or a glamorous lifestyle. You don’t owe them a family that looks perfect on the outside, even if it means your soul is rotting on the inside. You’re better off as a loner who is strong and filled with self-love, than surrounded by people who don’t care about you and drain your energy.
Let go.
I’m going through this process myself. I have let go of many things over the course of my life, and now I can’t begin to tell you how easy life has become. But still, I find things constantly that I can let go of, that have been weighing me down and burdening my spirit. When all you have is love, people will feel it. They will seek you out and support you because you’re filled with love. You will make a bigger, better impact on the world. The universe will take care of your needs and take you exactly where it needs you to go. It’s probably not where you ever would have planned to wind up—not in your wildest dreams, but that’s the whole point of adventure. Don’t limit yourself by tying yourself down. You have so much farther to go, and wondrous things to see. You can do it. I believe in you. I know it’s scary to see things fall away that we’ve comforted ourselves with for so long. But everything you will ever need is already inside you. You don’t need to go looking. It’s already there. Waiting for you to notice.
You are stronger than you know, and more beautiful than I could ever say. You’re perfect just the way you are. Everything about you is intentional and given to you by wise, loving beings who only want you to succeed. There is no need to be scared. Just trust. Let all of the nonsense go and see how much lighter you become.
Love and blessings, friends.