Spiritual awakening is often compared to what happens in the movie The Matrix, with Neo being offered the red pill, or the blue. Once you take the red pill, there’s no going back. Your choice is made and your understanding of reality is forever altered.
There is bliss in ignorance, and those of us who choose to take the red pill and awaken do sometimes yearn for that ignorance once again. But living unconsciously or “asleep” also means being subject to the whims of ego and fear.
It’s difficult to explain awakening to those who haven’t experienced it, since our ability to listen is limited by what we’re ready to hear. A great many just aren’t ready to take that next step. They’re comfortable where they are and are happy in the place of growth they’re currently at. This is the blessing of free will and the mystery of fate. Each soul’s path is unique and no one can walk it for them. We each must do this on our own, at our own speed.
Awakening is the process by which a soul becomes aware of the nature of reality. It’s existence opening a door which we can choose to enter, offering a path we can walk if we so desire, which leads to the evolution of our spark of consciousness in pursuit of enlightenment.
Awakening can be a permanent (abiding) or non-permanent (non-abiding) experience. It’s possible to have an “aha” moment, to glimpse the Oneness of all that is, and then to go back to your life as you left it, continuing onward with little change. An abiding awakening is more earth-shattering, in that there is no “going back”. We can’t un-walk that path once we start down it. The changes that happen within our souls and our understanding of life are permanent in very real ways. It’s not just this life we’re currently living that is effected on all levels, but our level of consciousness will never regress in development to a lower state in future lives or when we’re not incarnated.
It’s not an easy experience, and is not all peace and joy. There is a gritty, hard nature to the unmaking of our selves. We’re required to release all attachments one-by-one, to recognize everything we’ve been grabbing hold of in order to define ourselves, clearing all of these distractions away so our connection to the Source of all creation is stronger. It’s the process of remembering who and what we really are, beneath all of the noise of human identity. We recognize this world is just a dream we’re having, and there is no actual “me”. The person who is your body, your personality, your name, your job, your human self does not exist, but is just part of the dream. Your “real” identity is so much bigger and expansive than you can possibly imagine—invincible, eternal, beyond space and time, a co-creator of existence itself as a fractal piece of the God energy of the Source of All that Is. In the game of earthly life, you’ve chosen your temporary avatar and are exploring this world for a short while through its eyes, but that is the extent of its truth.
As jarring and unsettling as it is to unmake your Self, it’s necessary and we will all experience it eventually. It’s just a matter of when we get there. But there is an urgency now. Our world is changing. Its vibrations rising. Negativity and the old order are being left behind in favor of higher vibrations and a more unified, peaceful existence. The best way we can fully appreciate the gifts of this life, and the opportunities awaiting us all, is to awaken and join the effort to assist this transformation.
Unconsciousness is ruled by fear. Consciousness, by love. A benefit of conscious living is a newfound freedom from the pain of fear. By understanding the nature of suffering, it is possible to move beyond it. All of the destruction and hatred in this world stems from unconsciousness. By choosing to awaken, by releasing fear and embracing love, you’re helping mankind and creation in its entirety in unfathomable ways. It’s not a selfish pursuit, but a gift to be taken seriously so we may serve others more than ourselves.
Any singular awakening benefits everyone you come in contact with. Your energy transformation effects other beings in exponential ways. It is a ripple effect that helps show others the way forward, away from their suffering.
The entirety of the awakening phenomenon is part of the Ascension process. By raising the vibration of the energy of our souls to higher levels and evolving our beings, we’re part of a massive effort on multiple planes of existence, guided by higher powers, to work to save this injured planet along with its suffering beings. The higher path is the way we save the Earth, plants, animals, insects, people—everything. The lower path puts ego’s fear above all else, happily destroying anything that stands in its way.
We’ve entered a time when we can no longer remain in the middle ground. Our choice must be made—to evolve, or to be left behind. I’m urging all of you reading this to make the choice of love, to choose freedom from suffering, to expand your wings, to love yourself as much as we love you, and to come with us on this adventure. There are only better things waiting for us ahead as we embark on this wondrous journey together.
Love and blessings, friends.