Sometimes the simplest truths are the most difficult to accept. The funny thing about life is that once you begin to awaken and see more clearly what’s going on, it is astonishingly simple to understand—we just have to let go of doubt and fear. One such truth is that our thoughts and choices determine our experience. This means that whatever thoughts you tend to latch onto in the privacy of your own mind, and whatever choices you keep making, are a direct message to the universe of what you want to experience. So, the universe gives it to you. It’s helpful that way.
If you choose to worry all the time, the universe will give you more things to worry about. If you choose to obsess over comparing yourself to others, it’ll give you more opportunities to do that. If you are stuck in the past, the universe will keep you spinning in your old circles, prohibiting you from advancing to something new and better. If you’re angry all the time, it’ll help you find more things to be angry about. Do you see the pattern here?
But, if you instead choose to pursue things that make you feel happy and healthy, it’ll place things in your path to make you feel happy and healthy. If you choose to have fun and laugh, it’ll give you more things to have fun with. If you forgo fear and choose love instead, it’ll give you love in return. If you choose bravery, it’ll help you be brave. If you choose peace, it’ll help you remain peaceful.
See? It’s really not that hard. We all have free will. That means we get to determine our experience, even if we choose a miserable experience. Nothing will stand in our way, because our choice is always respected. We’re the Creators of our world. We shape our lives each moment of every day.
Yes, this means your thoughts are not private or secret. They “count”. Yes, it means there are real, visceral consequences to what you think about. The universe does respond to thought. Thought creates energy (either positive or negative) and all of our world is built with energy. Your thoughts create a ripple effect around you, affecting everything and everyone in your vicinity. Your spirit guides communicate telepathically, so yes, they know what you’re thinking. So many of us think we can get away with nasty, negative thought patterns, but they will draw harm into your life. They’re a toxin that will drain you of energy and joy. But if you manage to clear your mind through practices such as meditation, you’ll be much more receptive to guidance to help you along your journey, and a mind cleared of fear or negative thought patterns is one that will easily channel joy and peace.
How many people do you know who seem to have tragedy after tragedy befall them? Who use all of their energy letting the rest of us know about their suffering and their endless tragedies? Take a good look at that cycle they’re stuck in. Do you see how one can lead to the other? That if we choose to obsess over negativity, we will stay soaking in negativity? How can positive energy even find us when we surround ourselves with the opposite? Everyone experiences anger or sadness, but choosing to cling to those emotions is up to you. We need to let go of that which does not serve our highest good. The only way out is through. When you are mad, be mad and then let it go. When you are sad, be sad and then let it go. We need to become aware of our emotional state and our mental state. It is only through awareness that we can transcend and grow. No one can do this for you. You are responsible for your own happiness. No one will stop you if you deliberately choose suffering.
The universe and our personal spiritual entourage do not want us to suffer. The system of karma is set up so that we will spiral down into our negativity when we choose it. It will squeeze us harder and harder, our suffering becoming gradually more extreme for the sole purpose of trying to force us to make a different, better choice. It’s not a punishment. It’s the most basic form of growth. You do not need to suffer in order to grow, but if you abandon all other tools for growth and choose suffering instead, the universe will support you in that decision.
If this seems overwhelming the first thing to do, the best place to start, is to become more aware of your thought patterns. Try to notice when you fall into thoughts that make you feel bad. Try to notice when you’re bringing yourself and your energy down. Witness this. Then, make a different choice. Do some self-care to help release those painful thoughts so they can’t hurt you any longer. Go for a walk. Sit down and rest. Watch a funny cat video. Even just focusing on your breath as it goes in and out is a fantastic way to clear your mind of negativity. And ask yourself the hard questions. Ask yourself where your negative thoughts come from, where the stem from, and why. Forgive yourself for them. Find ways to heal the wounds they point to.
Yes, it is possible to quiet down the endless mental “chatter”. Once you become aware the real “you” is the witness to your experience rather that the source of the mental chatter in your head, you can work to remain aware of that truth constantly. Remaining aware and existing as the witness is the way to mental peace and quiet, and more freedom to enjoy life.
You are not here to try to fix things, to save the planet, to change others, to search for your secret magical true purpose, or anything else. You’re here to heal yourself, to relax and enjoy life. Anything meant for you will find you, so in the meantime, pay attention to what you’re broadcasting.
I promise, if you can do this it will transform your entire life for the better.
Love and blessings, friends.