If you’re anything like me, when you see things in the world around you going awry, a little voice speaks up inside saying it’s your moral duty as a Good Person to try and fix it. That it’s your job to do everything in your power to… (cue dramatic music) Save the World!
This idea is ridiculous and misguided. I’ll explain why.
To start, we need to take a wider view of things, and more specifically with the question of what exactly you are. You are a soul having a temporary experience in a human body. You are energy in a meat suit. Where did this energy come from? From where all energy comes from—the Source of all creation.
We are all teeny tiny fractal reflections of the Source. We are each a single drop of water in the great ocean of existence. We are a small part of the whole. “The whole” encompasses all of existence. Being originates from the Source or God energy.
With me so far?
You are a portion of the Oneness of Divinity having a human experience, and there actually is no singular, isolated “you” at all. Your human identity is an illusion. The truth is we are all connected. We are all the same energy, different reflections of the same Source. What this translates to is that when you feel you have to “Save the World”, that would mean God would be trying to save God from God. See the ridiculousness now?
Have faith that God knows what It is doing. After all, It has been orchestrating the entirety of existence for all of time. It’s pretty good at this stuff. We do not have the ability to see the whole plan for our world. That perspective is beyond us in this form. It’s not our place to fight the tides and stand in the way of What Is.
We’re not here to save the world. We’re here to learn, to grow our selves, to face a specific set of challenges we’ve decided on ahead of time, and to love. We incarnated with exactly the right body and skill set to face these specific tasks. We don’t even need to go looking for them, because if we just follow our path and our intuition, we will get exactly where we need to go.
Also, that voice inside telling you it’s your duty to save the world? That’s ego. That’s the human mind indulging in the ultimate arrogance of thinking it knows better than God. We don’t know the paths of anyone else. We can’t. It’s beyond us. And that’s okay. We need to respect the paths of everyone who is not us, without knowing where they’ve come from or what they’ve been through. We can show them compassion, but then we need to get out of their way. Because just like you can’t save the world, you also can’t save anyone else but yourself.
Everything that Is is made up of patterns. Fractals. This reality is just patterns within patterns. The best thing you can do, rather than worrying about rearranging the whole puzzle, is to identify your own patterns. See what keeps repeating in your life. See where the stress points are. See where your fear lives. Then investigate that. Look into it as hard as you can to figure out what’s going on there, way down deep below all of the noise and clutter. Find the heart of your truths. And then break the pattern! Make a different choice. The way you save the world is by saving YOU.
Don’t think that’s good enough? That saving YOU isn’t enough? Consider that everything you know about reality is strictly through your own particular vantage point. Your senses. Your human experience. We’re biased. We have no way of seeing or experiencing the world as anyone else. But, if you save yourself and transform the way you experience life, you transform everything! You will see and feel everything differently. But more than that, you are paving the way for everyone around you to do the same thing. You’re showing them the way. Giving them courage to save themselves too. After all, as interconnected energy, we have the ability to influence those in our sphere without even trying. Whatever you’re putting out there is being picked up by every single being in your path. So give them something good! Give them hope and love and compassion. By lifting ourselves up, we lift up the whole world.
You can’t save the world. You’re off the hook. Being the best version of you is enough. I promise.
Love and blessings, friends.