The existence of reincarnation meshes beautifully with what we know about science and the workings of our world. Everything in nature exists in a cycle of recreation and rebirth—the seasons, the lunar cycle, the life cycle of plants, the way forces of destruction in weather help nature re-emerge healthier and stronger. The Law of Conservation of Matter and the Law of Conservation of Energy state that neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed. They merely change form. And as humans, are we not matter and energy, both? Logic dictates we also cannot be destroyed. We merely change form and come back to repeat the cycle.
I ask you to consider, if you haven’t done so before, the implications of the existence of reincarnation. So much could improve in our lives and our world if we did.
No More Pressure to Make Your Mark Through “Stuff”
Think of how common it is to feel pressured to have your life reflect some great impact on the world through materialism and pride. How many decisions are made through fear, under the assumption that if we don’t do something to be remembered by, it’s all for nothing? The race to accumulate wealth or fame, the importance placed on accruing and showing off property, and the yearning to achieve impressive titles in a career all stem from this misguided notion that our lives are meaningless without this amassment of stuff left in our wake.
But if you’ve been here, on this planet, dozens or hundreds of times, what is the point of falling madly over yourself to gather a new collection of stuff? You can’t take it with you. You don’t need to be remembered for superficial reasons. Your stuff impresses nobody (it’s your behavior they’re really paying attention to). You’ve been here lots of times and you’ll be back plenty more. What really counts—the only thing that counts—is how you make people feel. Let go of your stuff and look for the bigger picture. It will always be much easier to focus on kindness and compassion than it is to get rich and famous.
No More Pressure to Live the Perfect Life
In our culture, we’re encouraged to have a storybook view of our lives and our goals. We’re pressured to have the perfect friends, perfect family, perfect spouse, perfect home, perfect kids, perfect job, with no mistakes or embarrassments along the way. We “only live once” so we’re expected to do everything impeccably.
Do I need to point out how unrealistic that is? How foolish?
We’re not here to live perfect lives. We’re here to mess up and fail. We’re here to face our weaknesses and see if we can do better. We’re here to learn. We will always learn more from failure, by reaching for something that seems impossible, falling short, and finding the courage to try again. Failure means you tried. It shows you who you are and how to find your strength.
No one lives the perfect life, and even if you did, you’re going to be coming back again anyway to start all over again. You get endless do-overs. Think about that for a moment. Any wish, any dream, is possible because you’re given as many chances to try for them as you want.
Take the pressure off of yourself to do it all in less than a hundred years. Relax. Give yourself a break. You’re an immortal energy being. You’re not exactly pressed for time.
Honoring Nature Helps Everyone
How many people right now don’t believe in climate change? How many think climate change is possible but it’s too late to do any good, so why bother changing bad habits? How drastically might their opinions change if we could prove to them they’re still going to come back through reincarnation, and will have to live with all of the consequences of irresponsible behaviors?
Think of it this way: if something in your house catches fire, do you try to put it out, or do you start splashing gasoline on the walls to hurry it along? Do you ask for the fire company’s help, or do you lie down in the flames and give up?
If we live with the knowledge that this planet is ours to safeguard, and will continue to be our home beyond this singular life, we further the health and happiness of everyone. If we make our choices in the interest of self-care, care of others, and protecting what will continue to be ours, everyone wins. It’s not hard. It just takes some common sense. Respect yourself by respecting the planet.
You Never Lose Anyone You Love
Grief is a great crusher of happiness, but a lot of the time it’s because we don’t allow ourselves to believe we will see our loved ones again. With the promise of an afterlife and reincarnation, we never lose anyone we love. We tend to incarnate with our soul group (primary and secondary – or small close circle and a larger group of acquaintances). This means we live multiple lives with the same souls, changing up our roles but supporting each other in different ways. It’s why certain people feel so strangely familiar, beyond the boundaries of how long you’ve actually known them in the course of your life.
Love is energy, and our love for each other exists as a real connection that stretches beyond the physical. When someone you love dies, they are still with you in very real ways. Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they can’t see you. You will be with them again. You can live multiple future lives together if you want, or just be content with their friendship in the afterlife.
Fear is a liar. It’s fear and ignorance that whisper to you that those you love are gone forever. Shut out your fear, and look instead to your heart. Listen to what your instincts tell you instead. They’re much more trustworthy.
What You’re Left With
When you strip away these false assumptions about what life should be, you’re left with the truth. This present moment and whatever it brings you are all that matter. Keeping an open heart, loving yourself and everyone you encounter, are all that matter. There is no pressure. There is time. There are infinite possibilities. And the only one in charge of it all, is you.
Play the long game. Aim beyond the horizon. Extend your plans to the limits of your imagination. Treasure life in all its forms and see that it’s not going anywhere without you.
Love and blessings, friends.