You there, reading this right now—this post is about and for you—no matter who you are, where you live, what your age, race, gender, or any other external trait. Your purpose in life above all else is to do soulwork.
What is soulwork? It’s the process by which we more fully embody our true self. Your true self is your soul. Soulwork clears away the pain and noise our ego endlessly gathers around us, so that we can live a peaceful, joyous, fulfilling existence on this plane before returning to our true home. It’s the way in which learn to heal old wounds so that we are made whole. It’s how we grow and raise our vibration to a higher level. Everything in our three-dimensional world is energy that has a frequency, and we have the ability to control whether ours is low and negative, or high and positive. You can ignite your own evolution into an enlightened being, right now.
How do we do soulwork? By seeking truth and manifesting love. A good place to start is by recognizing the difference between ego and soul.
Ego is how we initially learn to define ourselves: with labels, relationships, and connections to other people, places, and material objects. Ego tells us our worth is purely determined by things outside of ourselves. Ego lies. It’s an illusion that fights for dominance over us, since it knows its existence ends when this earthly shell completes its journey and our soul moves on. Ego is our thoughts. You are not your thoughts. You are the awareness observing the thoughts—the listener. The watcher.
But the truth is all that we have everything we could ever need or want already inside of us. The only thing we need to do is realize this truth, and learn to let go of everything weighing us down and distracting us. You don’t need money, or intelligence, or any sort of physical ability to achieve your full potential as a spiritual being. All you need is the willingness to do your best.
Focus on your soulwork every day, as much as possible. Learn to view the world through the pursuit of love and truth. Our society teaches us that it’s selfish to put our own needs before those of others, but you cannot care for others without first caring for yourself. You cannot fill the buckets of others when your bucket is bone-dry. You cannot help others secure their oxygen masks if you’re suffocating. Truly, the best way to help others is to first help yourself! When we heal ourselves, it has a monumental effect on everyone we come in contact with. We broadcast healing, peaceful energy. We become the ones showing others the way and igniting their desire to do their own soulwork. We give truth and love a place to anchor so they can spread and grow exponentially. There is nothing more important than that.
Ego tells us our purpose in life is to have lots of money and power over others. I invite you to take a good long look at those with a lot of money and power over others. Do they seem happy to you? Peaceful? Secure? Satisfied?
The only way to feel complete is to do soulwork. Within that path is everything you’ve ever wanted and dreamed of. It’s the path toward realizing the ultimate truth—that you are a singular facet of the whole of creation. That you are undying, omnipotent, and divine. You are a facet of God. We are all facets of God, just as we are all One. We are connected to everything. We are awareness itself, and co-creators of our world.
All the love you’ve ever sought from others? It’s waiting inside your heart for you to claim it. You don’t need to go out into the world looking for it. You can love yourself more completely than anyone else ever could. You ARE love. It’s what we’re made of. So, imagine all the wild things you’d do or give up for someone you love more than anything, as long as it made them happy. Do those kinds of wild things, give up those things for the sake of your own happiness. Take care of yourself the way you’d care for your beloved. If you need rest, then rest. If you are hungry, eat. If you are restless, move. If you are hurt, search for the cause so that you can eradicate it from your world.
Everything we experience is a choice. Most of the choices we make are unconscious, but we still have the power to change them. It just takes more work to discover what’s gone wrong. So delve into your heart. Go looking for your pain. Sit with it and study it. Ask lots of questions, like “why”. Get to the heart of the problem, and look for the choice that is causing the pain to flourish. Then, all you need to do is choose something other than what’s hurting you. Will it be scary? Maybe. It will be new, and new things can be intimidating. But it’s only in facing our fear that we see fear is only ego trying to hold us back. After all, you’re a facet of God. What does God have to fear?
If there is someone in your life actively causing you pain, you’re allowed to choose to get away from them. We should always strive to surround ourselves only with those who lift us higher, rather than bring us down. Your energy is directly affected by the energy of those around you. You also attract what you broadcast.
As co-creators of the world, the world responds to our requests. That means when we choose peace, growth, and happiness, the universe is designed to then give us those things. When we choose worrying, we’re given things to worry about. When we choose misery, we’re given misery. Test this out. I dare you to try it. Your thoughts, your intentions, and your choices are what determine what is brought into your path. So choose what you WANT rather than what you FEAR. Don’t give the negative any of your attention, and see how it transforms your whole life.
Soulwork is a permanent way to improve your existence. It benefits you in this lifetime, as well as beyond. It’s why we’re here—to grow and heal our souls. Earth is one of the toughest “soul schools” there is. We’re the brave ones who have dared face the gauntlet here and have the chance to make our wildest dreams come true. When we raise our vibrations and work on real self-growth at the deepest levels, we are pursuing enlightenment, nirvana, and open wondrous new realms of possibility in this life and far, far beyond. There’s no reason besides fear not to try, and you’re stronger than fear, always. I believe in you. Do this for your self.
Love and blessings, friends.