This subject is a phenomenon that has kind of taken me over. Fair warning, I can go down the rabbit hole quickly with this one! This post is just intended to help provide a general understanding of the subject. I’ll aim to cover more in depth later on.
I’ve been experiencing synchronicity to an increasing degree for a year or two now, and have been eagerly researching it ever since. Déjà vu is the more familiar aspect of this phenomenon, but it’s in the same family as synchronicity. I think of déjà vu as step one. Synchronicity is step 2 and once it starts, if you pay attention to it and don’t dismiss it, it will never really go away. It’s also a great way to stay in tune with your own life plan, and receive ongoing guidance from your Higher Self and your Guides. Step 3 would involve things like a strengthening intuition, clairvoyance, telepathy, etc.
Déjà Vu
Déjà vu is a French term describing the feeling that one has lived through the present situation before. Déjà vu is a feeling of familiarity and déjà vécu (the feeling of having “already lived through” something) is a feeling of recollection.
– Wikipedia
What is going on when déjà vu happens?
There are a lot of ideas. Your Higher Self may be contacting you, telling you you’re on the right path and attempting to trigger a spiritual awakening in you.
It could be an echo reflecting our Soul plan. We plot out our goals for our life before we incarnate, so you could be remembering aspects of this journey from that time before your life began. Your Higher Self has this knowledge readily at hand, always.
It could also be a sign of clairvoyance, a remembered dream of future events, or even a briefly-surfacing memory of a past life.
Basically, it’s a great thing! When this happens to you, tune into it. Listen to your feelings rather than your thoughts. Your emotions and intuition are what link you to your Higher Self and Guides, NOT your thoughts (those are driven by the mind/Ego/personality). Trust your “gut” and let go of your inner skeptic. What is there really to lose?
If these signs are ignored, there’s no real harm done. But you’re choosing to miss out on something wondrous that can only add joy and contentment to your existence. Why limit yourself when you have the option to expand your happiness and your awareness of our world? If you choose to ignore, this signals that you aren’t yet ready to “go there”, but you will absolutely have the chance to make a different choice later.
This is a term that came into popular use by Swiss psychotherapist Carl Jung.
Synchronicity refers to the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.
– English Oxford Dictionary
Synchronicity is something that will add a persistent, “well that’s weird” to your days. I liken it to being made aware of a glitch in the matrix. No matter where you are or what you’re doing, you’ll see repeating number patterns on clocks, dashboards, license plates, billboards, computer screens, etc. You’ll also have ideas, names, places, topics, etc. showing up repeatedly around you, from various sources.
Numerical Synchronicity
Simply put, this means seeing repeating numbers or number patterns (also known as Angel Numbers) in what feel like intentional and persistent ways. Some powerful Angel Numbers are: 1111, 222, 333, 555, 1212, 1001, 911, etc. A quick Google search of any number pattern + “meaning” or “angel number” will provide you with possible answers.
When you begin experiencing this, certain numbers will keep showing up in the strangest places: the clock in your car, the time readout on your work computer, the exercise bike at the gym, the sign you see as you’re pulling into the grocery store. It will be all around you, big and small, and will feel like something you should notice, rather than a fluke.
When this first started happening to me, it was only a couple of times a day. As time passed and I started to pay more attention, looking up what certain numbers meant, it increased more and more. It got to the point where I wondered if I was somehow making myself subconsciously look for the patterns. So, I stopped “trying” to see them. I stopped looking at clocks so dang often.
And you know what happened? I started to see them more! At this point, I can’t even count the number of numerical synchronicities I see in a day. Obviously, it happens more on days I’m around screens and civilization rather than hiking in the woods without my phone.
I find the numerical version of this phenomenon comforting. It feels like I’m surrounded by reassurances, and reminders that I’m never alone, that I’m loved and supported in ways I can’t even fathom.
Event Synchronicity
Rather that numbers, this is when other things repeat in your awareness. It could be anything like songs, names, places, topics of conversation, etc. Somehow, this phenomenon can feel more startling and stranger than the numerical version. The skeptical part of your brain can kind of explain seeing repeating numbers, but there is no logical explanation for when anything else keeps repeating around you.
A couple examples from my very recent experience:
My husband and I were working in the garden outside our house and the topic of the Brady Bunch randomly came up in conversation. Right at that moment, our daughter came out to join us and was in the middle of singing the Brady Bunch theme song, telling us, “I can’t get this song out of my head!” All of the windows/doors had been closed (we’re shameless A/C addicts), so there’s no way she could have overheard us, and we don’t exactly constantly discuss the Brady Bunch!
Just the other day, hubby and I were discussing news about someone in our lives via Google Chat—let’s call them “Gideon”. I’m also a shameless advice column addict, so I’d opened a new browser tab with a link to a new column to read right before hubby’s chat message popped up. As I finished replying to hubby, I switched tabs and saw the advice column was about someone named “Gideon”.
Taken alone, these may not seem very impactful, but when things like this keep happening multiple times a day, every day, it adds up to a lingering certainty that something is going on in an intentional way. It becomes impossible to ignore. The patterns stand out and everything seems to be tied together in a broader way that we can only barely begin to see.
Why is this happening?
I believe the Universe is alive, that it is the grand Creator spirit of which we are all reflections. It’s where our Soul-stuff comes from and we are always connected to it. It is us and we are It. The physical world is created by this grand spirit to flex its creative muscles and experience life.
Synchronicity is the Universe Itself reaching out to us, as a living Being. When we awaken spiritually, or even just begin to, synchronicity may start to happen. If you pay attention to synchronistic events, welcome them, and strive to understand them rather than brush them off as mere coincidence, the Universe will notice. It will begin to reach out to you more and more as way of opening doors within you to the greater reality most of us are too blind to see. The idea of this is so thrilling—that the Universe itself sees us, understands that we see It too, and then consciously reaches out to connect with us directly on the most personal level.
If you begin to see synchronicities and ignore them, or don’t follow through on where they’re trying to lead you, they will taper off and stop. The Universe will see you aren’t ready, and will wait to try again either in this life or future lives.
If you want to tune into your synchronicities, I urge you to do more research on the subject. Pay attention to what the synchronicities are, and WHEN they happen. What specifically were you thinking about or doing at the time? They might be messages to encourage you to follow down the path you’re on, or to trust in the idea you’re considering in that moment. It can also be helpful to meditate/pray and open your heart to those guiding you. The more you ask for signs, the more you will receive.
Fun bonus: Synchronicity can be contagious! If this phenomenon latches hold of you, those who you love most may also start experiencing it too. Shortly after I started experiencing them, my husband and daughter started to experience them as well.
Have a blessed day, friends.
Hello my name is Ian. I wanted to share a string of random event and numbers well its the fact that they scored that was most interesting and what was going on. I had seen a certainn two digit number come up in places over and over again and it started to scare me. It was this and 9 over and over. I looked it up and found some interesting things like it was a tell or code that you are being observered. More specifically by your parents or authority figures. Also a code for fallen first responders or fire men, police or military. I was working a job for the first time in my adult life as I am disabled from a head injury when I was 12. Also in addition all the past drug abuse didn’t help. Anyway I was delivering for postmates food. Order numbers that came up more than others when certain adresses would corispond to the two digit number I mentioned about earlier. I was loosing my mind though, I wound up in the hospital. The feeling of being observed and the paterns combined with the stress of working on top of having a diagnosis for schizoaffective disorder was to much. I could not follow the synchronicity. Like three different phones in a hotel room ringing at the same time with important reasons for all but for three different people.
There seems to be a time in almost everyone’s life where they experience patterns and suddenly realize that is some deeper meaning to there seemingly random events. They have a spiritual awakening. Well mine seamed to tell me that I was crazy. Just like when I would go on intospective journeys on acid or other psychedelics to search for the ultiment meaning, the obective truth behind all our subjective perspectives. I would dive so deep that my thinking and ideas were like those of a fractal image. I could only go so far before repetition and the infinite would show up along with anxiety and near insanity. I was not alowing for the spiritual to be in my suposid free thinking and mode free from predisposed thoughts.
I wanted to point out how poinient I think your article is but for me I seem to run into illness when I take it far enough. Allowing my self to be guided by my gut when these patterns appear. As for deja vu that one is something else isn’t it. I even experience deje vu towards the deje :-\ itself lol.
Love your writing and idea’s
So keep am coming
Hi Ian,
Thank you for sharing your experiences! I do hear what you’re saying with the way synchronicity can be unsettling or even scary—especially if you’re not ready for it or in the right frame of mind to accept it as positive. I’ve had times where the repetition and patterns are so odd or so much that it totally takes me out of what I’m doing. It feels like the world doesn’t seem real anymore. In those cases where it gets to be too much I’d think kind of broadcasting from your heart that you want it to stop may help it taper off. I believe we’re always watched over by loving spirits, so communicating with yours is a good place to start. Take things at the pace that works for you. Being kind to ourselves is key in everything.
Thank you so much for reading!
Thank you, I’ve giving it(your advise or personal experience)
A chance
What is it called when you are in a situation you’ve been in before, perhaps as a child.
Between the earlier times and the present time, someone who shared that situation with you has passed away – perhaps a parent.
Even though you know this, there are times when you half expect the deceased to be just around the corner?
Is this related to Synchronicity of Deja Vu?
Hi Steven, I appreciate the question! My opinion in that circumstance would be that the energy or spirit of the deceased might be with you or near you and that’s why you can “feel them”. I’ve experienced this myself many times with my brother’s spirit and have had the experience validated through multiple psychic mediums. This is a common way that our departed loved ones make contact with us. If you feel like they’re nearby, I’d trust that feeling and go with it. Open yourself to the experience if it’s a pleasant one. You can even speak to them or send them nonverbal communication. The purpose of this experience (instigated by the spirit of the deceased) would be to reassure us they’re still “with us”, if just in another form.
Otherwise, it could be an echo of the energy imprint of that experience. If it’s a familiar situation, and you expect someone to be there that isn’t, your energy could be trying to “fill in the blanks”. This would make it more like Deja Vu, functioning as a reassurance or a reminder of where your path has taken you.
I hope that helps! Best wishes to you!