Remaking God: Part II – Entitlement
Entitlement is a problem that stretches far beyond God, but is also a huge factor in why some of our most common religious philosophies don’t work. There is a lot of temptation in the most evil of ways in the idea of being owed something for nothing, that you don’t have to work…
Remaking God: Part I – Comfort, Weaponizing, & a Peaceless Savior
God as a concept or as a reality should be the ultimate comfort. It should be what or who you turn to for reassurance in hard times. Religion in our societies on this planet are very much problematic when it comes to that. Our religious gods are mean, petty, and cruel. They judge…
Breaking Patterns
The author encourages readers to break free from habitual choices, particularly in stressful times, to foster personal growth and happiness. They emphasize the importance of self-discovery, suggesting that true joy comes from within rather than external pressures. Ultimately, embracing change and actively seeking fulfillment leads to a more meaningful life.
Seer Diaries: The Thinning of the Veil
Whew! I’ve been in the thick of it. And overwhelmed. To recap, my third eye opened a few years ago now. Once that happened, it sent me quickly down a path I never thought I’d be on. Now, I’m living every day as clairvoyant (clear seeing), clairaudient (clear hearing), clairsentient (clear feeling), and…
Seer Diaries: Doing the Work of Life’s Purpose
I haven’t posted here in a few months. That’s because I’ve consciously turned my focus to doing the work I came into this incarnation to do. It’s past time to clear away distractions! As my Sight has unfolded, I’ve been shown my purpose is not to worry about speaking publicly about my experiences.…
Lessons in Holding Firm Boundaries While Keeping a Vulnerable, Open Heart
It took me 37 years to finally stand up to my abusive mother. When I did it, I did it without any support while literally surrounded by my entire extended family. We were at a bowling alley on New Year’s Eve night. She viciously tore into me while we stood adjacent to our…
Seer Diaries: A New Normal & Going It Alone
The Universal Truth About Going it Alone One truth we all tend to run from is that we are solely responsible for our selves and our lives. We like to blame what’s going on in the world (especially right now) or the people around us. But the hard reality is that when all…
UAPs & incorporating ETs into your understanding of God
Hopefully after living through this latest global pandemic we can all agree that humans are not very smart. We wildly misunderstand the nature of our reality, even on the most basic levels, basing many of our concepts on the teachings of outdated religions that were created to subjugate the populace and control them…
The Fallacy of ‘Dragged Kicking and Screaming into Doing What is Right and Good’
When I was a teenager, one evening I sobbed uncontrollably in my bedroom while my stone-faced mother watched from a few feet away. At the time, I was being relentlessly bullied at school, I had no friends, and my family was abusive. There was no source of kindness in my life. I was…
Seer Diaries: Sensing the Shift
Our entire world is undergoing a massive vibrational shift in energy right now. You can see scientific evidence of this shift by observing the Schumann Resonance. This is a core, extremely low frequency (ELF) level that surrounds the planet. Since the discovery of the baseline frequency of 7.83 Hz in 1954, it was…
Seer Diaries: How Do I Explain This So You’ll Believe Me
Okay, real talk: I’ve been avoiding writing this post, because I don’t know how to say this so that you’ll believe me. I’ve only told my husband, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t believe it either. The more time that passes, the less I understand and the more questions I have. I don’t…
Seer Diaries: The State of the World—Fork in the Road
There are a number of topics I plan to write about on this blog that have to do with my third eye opening. These include seeing the veil between our world and the next; my experiences with negative entities; how to protect yourself from negative entities; my experiences with benevolent and divine entities;…
Seer Diaries: Seeing Spirits (Childhood & Daytime)
I have not talked about the things I’m sharing here with anyone besides my husband. As far as I can remember, I never told anyone about these experiences, and still haven’t decided whether I’ll start talking about them in the future. For now, this blog is the sole place I’m sharing them. I’ve…
Suddenly Unlocked Psychic Gifts & Becoming a Seer (Ready or Not!): A Personal Note
I haven’t posted here much lately, and it hasn’t been because of the pandemic, or politics, or social unrest. It may have started that way, but things have shifted. I started this blog to write about what I’ve learned and discovered about the meaning of life. The posts have been about philosophies backed…
Living with an Open Third Eye
It’s been about two months since my third eye opened. I’m not an expert at any of this, and can only talk about what I’ve experienced, which does not necessarily reflect on what anyone else would experience in this situation. We’re all unique in our expression and perspectives. That being said, I’ve found…
Third Eye Activation & Opening
The activation and opening of your third eye is something that needs to happen on its own. DO NOT attempt to force it open, especially for ego-driven reasons. When this chakra comes alive, it should be because you’re ready for it and the process begins in a natural way. Leave the Universe/God in…
Whenever Certain or in Doubt, Witness
We witness when we sit down, shut up, and pay attention. I haven’t written a blog post in a few weeks because I knew I needed some time for me to do exactly that. Creating space to quiet our own voice in order to pay closer attention to what Is, is one of…
What’s Goin’ On: Spiritual Growth in a Time of Chaos
It’s the question I ask every day lately—what in the world is going on? If, like me, you’ve been enjoying a crazy voyage on spaceship Earth, you know what I mean. Whether it’s COVID-19 or police brutality, white supremacists or wildfires, murder hornets or incoming asteroids… there’s a LOT going on. And that’s…
Embrace Change
People keep saying this is going to change things forever. This virus and this lockdown. And I’ll admit it makes me defensive. It causes an automatic negative reaction in me that I’ve been trying to understand. I witness my instinct to argue with them and say it’s not going to change anything. It’s…
Overwhelmed? Shift Tracks & Practice Gratitude
Fear, grief, shock—negative emotions like these can be overwhelming. They have a gravitational pull that’s tough to fight against, making it difficult to find peace or happiness. The best way to combat this is by consciously shifting emotional tracks and expressing gratitude. Any crisis in our lives in which we lose something or…
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