Don’t give into fear of COVID-19

The dark, Earthly powers-that-be want us to be scared of this thing. They’re trying really, really hard to keep us in constant terror of whatever might happen next. This is not for our benefit! This is so we stay easily controlled and tuned in to the news networks. Before, when a disease would spring up someplace in the world and begin to spread, we didn’t have smartphones to inform us instantaneously of updates from the other side of the planet. Instead, only the things in our immediate sphere of awareness would touch us. We were much happier and healthier for it.

The world becoming a smaller place has its benefits. It helps us feel connected to people both near and far, showing us how much we have in common. We can learn from each other and become stronger together than we are apart. But our all-present connections to each other hurt us as well.

Fear has a profound effect. It changes the energy of our body. Stress makes us physically ill in countless ways, not to mention the mental and emotional consequences. Being scared all the time, every day, is really bad for all of us, without exception. I’m here to tell you that staying informed over what’s going on in the world right now is not more important than your health. You being upset over the latest person to die in another part of the world, due to unknown circumstances, does nothing to benefit anyone.

Turn the news off. Stop listening. Stop reading. Give yourself at least a full day off. You have my permission.

I was reading CNN yesterday and I felt the knot of tense sickness form in my stomach. So, I shut my computer off and meditated for fifteen minutes instead. The knot in my stomach went away, and I vowed to try harder to resist the pull to check for news updates.

It’s very tempting to keep checking. I know. I’m right there with you. But religious folks can tell you all about temptation and how good it is for you in the long run (hint: it’s not). If you’re meant to receive a piece of information, I guarantee the universe will make sure it happens. You never have to go searching for information, people, things, etc. that are crucial for you to have in your life. If it’s meant to be, it’ll be.

We’re at a pivotal time in the history of the world right now, and not for the reasons you think. More than ever, now is the time to consciously choose hope over fear.

Things are shifting. The spiritual community can tell you all about it. I’ve felt it coming for many months (as have many others) as an unmistakable sense of “something’s going to happen”. It’s been called simply The Event. I’ve done oracle card readings about it this week and the results lined up perfectly with everything else. Even my skeptic husband is in agreement about it.

What we’re experiencing right now are the birth pains of the shift. A new Earth is coming and in order for it to arrive, we’ve got to endure the messy transition. Space needs to be cleared. Low, toxic energy forms need to be released. Look around us at what’s been happening. There’s been one thing after another with the weather, politics, societal violence, discrimination, and climate change. The list goes on and on. It’s all connected. The toxicity of our world is being exposed for healing. The poison needs to rise to the surface so it can be purged and washed away.

That’s what this is. Look at how this disease is forcing us all to slow down and spend more time close to home. See how it’s benefiting the environment as we suddenly ease up on our constant polluting of our world. It’s making us look within and spend time with the things we’ve been using busy-ness to avoid. Our sudden wealth of free time is a gift.

There are two opposing ways this can go for each of us. All of us, in the privacy of our hearts, have a choice to make that will determine the future of our souls, in this life and well beyond it into the next. Hope or fear. Love or pain. You declare your team every moment, every day, by the energy you put out. Even if your mind says “love”, if your energy says “fear”, you’re just fooling yourself.

This is the biggest choice you have ever and will ever make, in any life.

Timelines are splitting off. Those who choose fear are going down one very specific kind of path with a dire ending. They will live with their fear, and be given the freedom to use their will to embrace low vibrational, dense energy for the rest of this life and whatever lives lay ahead of them.

Conversely, those who choose love and hope are going down a different kind of path. We are the ones ushering in the new Earth. We’re birthing higher Source energy and transforming not only ourselves but everything around us. We’re the way-showers, guiding as many as we can down a kinder, brighter, lighter direction. Just by sitting—alone in our houses—in joy and gratitude and peace, we’re emitting tons of light to everyone around us. Each of us has the ability to do massive amounts of good right now, for so many others, just by doing whatever it is that makes us happy.

Make a list of 10 people or things you’re grateful for. Hold them in your heart and be thankful for being so blessed.

Understand your guides, angels, and ancestors are with you now and at every step of this journey. They are there to help you! If you need anything from them, ask. Open yourself to their benevolence. Request they guide you on a path for your most beneficial outcome. Ask for signs. Pray or meditate. Keep a journal.

We are not alone. Ever.

We’re invincible, immortal sparks of God-energy incarnated temporarily in fragile mortal bodies. We’re here to learn and grow. Our paths are pre-determined before birth. Our soul contracts determine what lessons we’ll face, and what challenges. This contract declares when and how we’ll exit this world. And when we do? When our time comes? We leave behind pain, fear, suffering, misery, and worry. We go to our true home, in bliss and peace, to an existence so incredible, so indescribable, nearly every near death experience recounts how souls beg to stay on the other side, and resist being sent back to their Earthly body.

Earth is the challenge. Earth is one of the toughest soul-schools there is. The energy on this planet is so dense and difficult, we’re praised as brave heroes for even trying to exist here. But we come here because it’s so hard. We learn more quickly, growing by leaps and bounds compared to other, easier worlds where we could incarnate.

Do not be sad for the dead. They’re in the better place. We’re the ones suffering—not them.

So, embrace your path. Wherever it leads you is where you were meant to go. Whatever timeline you end up on was also pre-determined in your soul contract. But by releasing whatever is standing in your way right now from a lighter heart and a better life, you can only help yourself.

Our paths will keep branching off from here. Some of us will be isolated in peace and joy, largely untroubled with smooth sailing from one day to the next as we ride the flow of life. Others will be faced with obstacle after obstacle, suffering, and disaster. These are not punishments but examples of the universe pushing you to question choices made over and over again (with the same painful results), and to release whatever’s only causing you harm. Accepting what’s happening now—whatever it is, and with no resistance—is the fastest way to move forward to something better. Just because you experience one thing, does not mean others will do the same. It is possible to exist in a peaceful bubble in the midst of what seems to be disaster. It’s just as possible to exist in a bubble of disaster while everyone else seems fine. Laugh at it! Take it as it comes. Do your best. Get through it. Don’t take it too seriously. Play the game and do so lovingly. Refrain from judging the experiences of others around you, as they have the free will to decide on their experience just as you do. We can only influence them through our love and compassion, hoping they soon will decide to be kinder to themselves.

There is no place for fear here. We’re being guided. We’re fulfilling prophecies and experiencing one of the greatest times in the history of this world. What’s happening now has never happened before. We’re evolving while incarnated, transitioning this world to a higher level for the betterment of us all, and all future generations.

You can do this. Enjoy the wild ride. You have a team of loving souls behind you, cheering you on every step of the way and they’ll be there for you throughout eternity.

Love and blessings, friends.