Ego vs Soul

It’s always said good versus evil is the ultimate conflict in our world. This isn’t true. ‘Good’ and ‘evil’ as presented by organizations like the Catholic church do not exist. They’re warped shades of the truth, build to conjure fear and exert power over the masses. In reality, there is only the Source of all creation, and everything separated from it. The Source is Love and connection contrasted by that which is selfish and disconnected. In other words, the real ultimate conflict is Ego versus Soul.

By Ego, I don’t mean the traditional definition of the word, but the personality our minds construct during our lives in order to identity and separate ourselves from everyone else. It’s the way we tell ourselves we are unique and special, in ways no one else will understand. The personality is tied to our physical bodies, wired into the mind. The personality is driven by fear, above all else. It tells us to be afraid of others’ success, to do anything in our power to rise above others and establish ourselves as better than. It whispers to us that life is a competition, and we are losing.

But the personality—the Ego—isn’t real. It doesn’t exist beyond our bodies or beyond this life. When we die, we leave the personality behind. It’s the Soul that is eternal and continues on.

Knowing this, the Ego fights the Soul instinctively, for supremacy. It does its best to scare us into compliance, so that we will scramble for power outside of ourselves to prove its worth. It makes us believe that material possessions—houses, cars, clothes, jewelry—are what determine our value. That power comes from things and accomplishments, job titles and awards. But I invite you to really look at those in our world right now who do have money—as much of it as anyone could dream. Do they seem happy to you? Content in their lives? Or do a great many of them they seem afraid? Paranoid even? Miserable?

That’s because sometimes we don’t understand something until we have it sitting in our hands, to experience up close and personal. Those people have what so many never will, and yet… it’s not enough. There is no salvation in money. No peace or true joy.

Ego is also responsible for our thoughts. The voices in our minds that obsess over past and future, worrying over what has already happened, or what might be. It fills our awareness with noise so that it feels more real and in control of us.

These are the types of lies the Ego is built on. It is afraid because it is by nature impermanent, and cowers in the face of imminent, inescapable destruction. The Narcissists in our lives are Ego-driven. They are the closest to our understanding of ‘evil’ that we will ever find.

Soul is our connection to the Source. It is pure, powerful Love, bonding us in unbreakable ways to every living force in our reality and beyond. Soul is immortal. It’s also quiet in its power, whereas Ego is loud. The thought-noise in our minds generated by Ego tends to cover over the peace of the Soul waiting for us beneath. It’s necessary to go inward to connect with our Souls in order to silence the noise of thought created by Ego. Through things like meditation and in-depth self-scrutiny, we can clear away the chatter in our own heads, letting the Soul’s steady peace rise to the surface.

Our Souls are the source of all true power, originating from the Source. What this means is that everything we would ever need is already within us, accessible and ready to be discovered. All of the needs you’re trying to fill through things like money, fame, or accomplishment can be better satisfied through understanding ourselves better. Once you’ve begun to truly love yourself as you are naturally, the need for attention or physical proof of your worth disappears.

And you should love yourself. Our Souls are each perfect and unique ‘as is’. Is there room for growth? Absolutely! That’s why we’re here on Earth—to heal the parts of ourselves our Souls have decided to focus on, on this part of our journey. But you were born with all of the tools required to complete this task. You have the talents and interests specially designed to steer you toward the pre-set life goals in your Soul contract. Fate will set you on the right path and keep you moving in spiraling patterns around key issues. By taking a broad view of your life thus far, you will notice patterns. Pay close attention to them! These are your unique lessons. They will keep appearing in your life over and over again until you resolve them.

You may ask how to solve these patterns—especially since we tend to get stuck in them for a while. The answer is simple. Intuition. Gut feelings are the voice of our Soul directing us to where we should go. They’re subtle, and we have the ability to ignore them, so you must pay attention to your inner guidance in order to both hear and understand what’s being conveyed.

We are not incarnated with the full force of our Soul. We only take a small part into our Earthly bodies for the duration of our lives. The remainder of our Soul stays behind in our true home, anchoring us there. Our Souls are too powerful energetically for our physical bodies to survive more than a small portion of them. The small part that we do incarnate with is a portion we’ve chosen to heal through our lessons on Earth. We also bring with us gifts to use to contribute to the greater well-being of this world.

I promise you that if you work at distinguishing what impulses are coming from your Ego, and which come from your Soul, it will go far toward resolving the main trouble spots in your life. Stop trying to prove yourself to be right, or better than, or more than others. Just recognize the beauty to be found in each of us, and how astonishing the real you—your Soul—is. You are powerful. You are intentional. You are exactly who you were meant to be, without having to work at it at all. Nothing about you is a mistake. Nothing can truly hurt you, because your Soul is eternal. It is loved more than you can know, and always will be. Your only enemy is your own Ego. I encourage you to face it, and see what miracles can be discovered by simple self-understanding.

Have a blessed day, friends.