As I grew up, I had a lot of anger over what I perceived as a massive lack of fairness in the world. From a deep level in my being, I needed there to be a cosmic system of accountability, where good people were recognized for their goodness, and bad people faced consequences (because it was obvious human law enforcement weren’t exactly doing the whole job, to say the least). My frustration whenever I saw bad people getting away with lots of awful things only intensified as I got older.
For me, this stemmed from my abusive childhood, and seeing my abusers get away with whatever they wanted because they were white, and had money, and bullied their way to powerful positions. In fact, everyone around me believed them and not me, so as far as I could tell, they continued on utterly without consequence for treating me terribly.
And then I began to learn about karma.
I find reading about karma, theories on karma, ideas on how it works, etc., to be profoundly soothing. I highly recommend this activity! My current understanding of karma is as follows:
This is a self-running system that balances forces in the universe. It is not controlled by a judgmental “god”. It polices itself without any need for interference. It pays attention to every thought, word, intention, and action you produce, and you accrue either good karma or bad karma accordingly. Bad karma cannot be escaped. It can take more than one lifetime—or hundreds, or thousands, etc.—to correct your balance and pay off all of your bad karma. This is why when we see bad people doing bad things, their consequences are not always noticeable. Have no fear—karma plays the long game.
The process works like this:
- We do bad stuff
- We experience bad stuff happening to us
- (If we experience our suffering with grace and a loving heart)… Freedom!
Did you notice that condition in there on step 3? It’s important. None of us are perfect. When we just started off living as a humans, during our very first lives, we were kind of a mess. We made lots of mistakes. Then we learned from them. Then we made more mistakes. It’s a process. Now, you’re facing the consequences of your earlier actions, made before this life started. (And you’re probably still making some mistakes. That’s okay!) But the key here, to the whole “life” thing, is to accept what’s given to us with humility, and a willingness to learn from it and do better somehow.
No matter what you may be going through, ideally you want to get through it without incurring more bad karma. If someone robs you, and you go around screaming at the people trying to help you at how unfair it is that you got robbed, you’re going to get bad karma even though you were technically the victim. Suffering is not a justification to act like a jerk.
Repeating that one again, because it’s a big one: Suffering is not a justification to act like a jerk.
We are always responsible for our actions. We are always living under the watchful eye of karma. Even if you think no one sees what you’re doing, trust me, karma sees. Imagine how different the world would be if everyone understood they’re going to be held accountable for everything they do, even the things they did without “getting caught”. Even the things they think were justified.
The only way to climb out of the karma debt you find yourself in is to make better choices. Listen to your conscience, your gut feelings about what the right thing to do is, and then do them. I’ve faced some horrific moments in my life. When I faced them with a mindset of “okay, this is a nightmare, but it’s temporary and if I just do my best, and try to do the right thing here”, I was always astonished at how things seemed to fall quickly into place. My pain eased faster. Solutions appeared quicker. Peace came sooner.
The universe doesn’t want us to suffer. It wants us to learn and do better. It will support you if this is your goal. You will literally feel the support, love, and guidance coming your way, even if you are alone in your efforts.
In that 3-step process outlined about, you want to be in step 2. If bad things are happening to you, it’s a good thing! It means you’re being given chances to pay off your karmic debt and move closer to step 3—freedom. Our freedom doesn’t come in this world. Freedom means you won’t need to incarnate here on Earth again. You get to progress on to somewhere else—somewhere suffering doesn’t exist.
Yes, I know it’s awful to be stuck in step 2. But resist the any urges to rebel against the pain in ways that will send you back to step 1.
This is an unpopular opinion, but I do believe that everything happens to us for a reason—even things like abuse. I believe we have a say in what our life will be like before it begins, and we plan the things we will face during it, and we agree to go through it with the intention of trying to grow from the experience. Everything we face is something we agreed to face. No one else forced it upon us. We just don’t remember the agreement right now (well, it would spoil the surprise, right?) I believe nothing happens TO us unfairly. Nothing. Every experience helps us balance our karma, and helps us to grow into stronger, wiser souls. Like I said, we have all made mistakes along the way in previous lives. And everyone (on the other side, at least, when we do not have an ego to protect, or experience fear) wants to balance their karma.
People who die young knew they were going to die young. They signed up for it in advance. People who go through unimaginable tragedy do not do so accidentally (read the books Journey of Souls, Destiny of Souls, and Memories of the Afterlife by Michael Newton, Ph.D. for details accounts of his patients undergoing hypnotic regression for stories to support this, including reports of the advanced souls who volunteered to experience the concentration camps during the Holocaust in order to assist the rest of the world in learning from what they endured).
Your tragedies are not unnoticed. They are not the product of a chaotic and cruel world. If you let them, they are your chance to break free of the cycle of life after life. Embrace them and be transformed.
It does bring me peace to know everything I’ve ever suffered was seen, that every time I tried to do the right thing no matter what, it was noticed and made a difference. When I look at the news, it gives me hope and peace of mind to understand that those who act with brazen cruelty can never, ever escape the consequences speeding their way, even if it takes them all of eternity to right their wrongs. Race, privilege, gender, money—karma doesn’t care. Karma doesn’t hear excuses. All karma understands is balance. It’s how everything in our world runs. When a pendulum swings wildly in one direction, it will always swing back.
So be brave, believe in yourself, and have faith in the intention and wisdom of our loving, conscious universe. Love and blessings, friends.